Saturnine [Submitted] [646K words]

Is there a way to not get killed my the goo in telesto I try playing a pacifist but both options ends up with the MC consumed

Does the way how you dress affect the RO’s opinion of your MC, especially for Lisa since it said she likes “bad boys” in her profile?

Edit: Also would like to know how many skillsets we can focus on.

It is a fakeout. Hit Next, see what happens.


Thanks I kept seeing the play again and just restarted it

This is genuinely some of the most creative and interesting sci-fi I’ve read, presented with very polished and engaging writing. Just…Wow. Bravo.


Those of us reading on mobile were never faked out because of how it renders.

There’s also a way to make images like the title cards invert their color so the dark mode doesn’t render the image all but invisible on the background. I don’t remember the exact text needed, though. You’d probably be able to find entries about it with a search on the “ultimate noob coding” thread.

Were some new ROs added, cause I’ve been seeing quite a few heart options so far for Olivia, Sheila and Miguel. Are they full romance options or just flings?

Edit: Might as well mention this but it feels kind of nice being one of the oldest being in this game. I sometime like seeing some characters be respectful to my character based on their age. Like with that Wyvern.


Well I just made two images depending on whether dark mode is enabled or not. Are you saying it doesn’t work?

Olivia is a joke option who’ll just wonder what the hell is wrong with you should you hit on her. Miguel is a fling and has been from the start; I figured male-attracted players may appreciate the option to fornicate without having to dig through Damon’s or Rook’s emotional issues.

Sheila is the only “added RO”, one I made romancable midway through the project due to player demand. Because of that, she doesn’t function like the other five ROs and doesn’t have as much content, but you can enter a romantic relationship with her and there are some lines that acknowledge that.


If I remember this right. Sheila is a brain inside a giant, robotic spider body right? How would that even work? Or is the romance with her more of a emotional thing than both emotional and physical nature? And since Sheila is a RO, shouldn’t she be added to the list of them even if she is romanceable mid-way?

There is no “would” here, I already wrote a metal spider sex scene for the first interlude. It’s… not exactly something I want to brag about, which may be part of the reason why I haven’t included Sheila in the roster.

Depends on what you mean by “focus on” I suppose. With a semi-specific set of choices, it’s possible to set three of the five stats above 50%, which is enough to pass most checks. But I can already tell you the final fight will have some checks tougher than that, so there’s perhaps value in specializing.


So it would probably be best to focus on 2 skills instead of 3. Or maybe 3 but later on start focusing on 2?

Not whenever I’ve switched it, no. :sweat_smile:

Maybe. I don’t actually know the optimal path to victory, it’s not that kind of game. Failure is just another path for me to write up most of the time.

It has minimal impact. Lisa will moderately dislike the military uniform wear and she’ll be amused if you enter Calypso half-naked, but that’s basically it as of now.

Well, I checked the mobile version, and whilst the rendering looks fake the text is clearly visible in all modes. No idea what’s the problem, but I don’t think it’s my code.

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Check the transparency of the image. That is the culprit a lot of the time.


@Omeg Regarding Sheila. Wouldn’t it have been better to make her an Arachne instead? I mean, if they were able to make a giant, mechanical spider body for her then surely it would’ve been possible to modify it into a Arachne to make her somewhat desirable. And I think in a way, she would seem a little more intimidating since she would be a little taller in height. Also, opposable thumbs.

Edit: Also, also, at the part where you decide which place to go to first to search for the Wyvern. Does it matter which place you go to first? Like will it affect some later areas first depending on which order you found some stuffs or will it not matter?

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I’m not entirely sure what you mean by “Arachne” here, but I’m not changing Sheila’s look. She’s not meant to be desirable, she’s meant to have a body fit for outdoor repairs. The fact that some players found her desirable anyway is so amusing I’ll treat it as another reason to keep her a straight-up spider.

It matters, but not in a strictly “this choice is better” way. Just choose whatever you find most interesting, or side with whoever you want to woo most.


Something like this.

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This looks like overly horny anime weeb fuel. I prefer pure spider. Pure spider is hotter too.


They’re called Driders in D&D for a more western fantasy influence. The anime version is probably a coomerized depiction of a Jorogumo.

It’s more interesting for Sheila to be a freaky mechanical spider either way.


Fake sexy monster fans when real monsterfuckers show up