I’m curious if other games have an easy/efficient method for allowing the player character to use multiple sets of pronouns (for example, “he/they”, “she/they”, etc). Below, I’ll share a method I came up with that I’ll most likely end up using in my game.
EDIT: I made some sample code that everyone is free to use in their own games, and/or modify in whatever ways they find useful. View it here.
This is the code I started with for establishing pronouns (using @HarrisPS’s excellent pronoun sample code):
*label pc_she
*set pc_he “she”
*set pc_him “her”
*set pc_his “her”
*set pc_singular true
And in the game’s text:
“Of course ${pc_he} do@{pc_singular es|}. I can even get ${pc_him} in for free.”
This produces:
“Of course she does. I can even get her in for free.”
To change Hannah’s code to allow for multiple pronouns, I added a second set of pronoun variables, and just kept the second set the same as the first set for players who only use one pronoun.
So if pronouns are she/her:
*label pc_she
*set pc_he “she”
*set pc_him “her”
*set pc_his “her”
*set pc_singular true
*set pc_he2 “she”
*set pc_him2 “her”
*set pc_his2 “her”
*set pc_singular2 true
Both sets are set to she/her.
And if pronouns are she/they:
*label pc_she_they
*set pc_he “she”
*set pc_him “her”
*set pc_his “her”
*set pc_singular true
*set pc_he2 “they”
*set pc_him2 “them”
*set pc_his2 “their”
*set pc_singular2 false
The first set is set to she/her and the second is set to they/them.
And then in the game’s text:
“Of course ${pc_he2} do@{pc_singular2 es|}. I can even get ${pc_him} in for free.”
This would produce for she/her:
“Of course she does. I can even get her in for free.”
And for she/they:
“Of course they do. I can even get her in for free.”
Without having to write the same line in the game’s text twice.
I initially thought, because I have pronouns set up using multireplace, that I’d need to type out a second version of some sentences where multiple pronouns would occur (because you can’t nest multireplaces inside one another), but creating a second set of pronoun variables for everyone eliminates this problem. You just keep the second pronoun set identical to the first one for single-pronoun Player Characters.
Anyway, once I’ve implemented this in my game I’ll probably put a little sample on dashingdon for people to use in their games too & update this post with a link. (Assuming it works well, and no one else has a better/more efficient way of doing this! I’d love to hear from anyone else who has addressed this in their game, or knows of games that allow for multiple pronoun sets!)
Thanks for reading