I am so glad i didnt take the bait. I saw this and was like “There is no way this can be a thing.” And by that, i mean a sudden 106k word demo.
I absolutely despise April Fools. Just makes me feel like an idiot for being autistic and taking things at face value instead of being incredibly cynical and never believing anything.
Not me being fucking tricked by this in 4K
Ngl totally forgot it was April 1st. Not sure what it says about the community if it wasn’t entirely unbelievable, though.
PLZ make our dreams come true.
Do we get to send our Femboys to beat other Femboys, and possibly extort 12 year olds?
Let me see if i can convince the author
Yeah… Can relate. I dont like this “holiday,” can hardly see the humour in wasting a day and not being able to exchange genuine information.
Its been a while since I’ve gone through the 5 stages of grieve this fast you HEATHEN
The characters feel alive and well-written. Apart from a few overused adjectives, I feel that this is a solid story. While trying to play around with the different choices, I encountered a crash. I’m sure that this will turn out to be a great story. Here is a screenshot with the error.
Non-existant variable “SHAME”
LMFAO This is waayy too good! XD
I absolutely despise April Fools. Just makes me feel like an idiot for being autistic and taking things at face value instead of being incredibly cynical and never believing anything.
I’m so sorry But hey! at least we’ll be getting something out of this ^-^
kathy i will send you a very strongly worded letter
Still waiting for that strongly worded letter heh
Also I did not expect this to blow up like it did. I kinda thought people would be going “OMFG This person is a degenerate!” Or “Femboys?! You disgusting person!” etc etc at me. Not people actually clicking on the demo and trying to play it, or wanting it XD So after a few hours considering, and also talking to a good friend of mine (@leekyo1999) who managed to convince me, I’ll try my hand at this. Though, this will be as a side project. Which means when I’m not creating stories for Patreon, I’ll be writing this.
I will only write the this book if this post gets 50 comments until next monday.
Juggling two books can be challenging, and as a perfectionist, I want to ensure that my writing is polished and not half-baked before it gets released. (And since I start writing like an idiot, and my second patreon story may even reach 20K even though it’s SHORT) This means that I will need to do a lot of editing and a lot of writing. Which is why I’ll only make it if there is genuine interest from people.
(P.S the character portraits up above are actual characters in my main book lol
ohhhh fudgeeeee for reall can I like make a fanart of this boiiiii??? I know i promised alot of Fanart stuffs but this will be in my top priority cuzzzz damnnnnnn
lol yes, yes you can XD
I won’t disaappointttt yall!
im am very interested in this
Noooo it’s just an April fools joke
Don’t hate me because I am beautiful.
There aren’t too many instances of an April Fool here on the forum, let alone an entire thread created for the job, but a hilarious gag-turned-genuine story might be worth seeing come to fruition. It’s got my vote if nothing else.
A wise man once said
“Sometimes it takes best man to become best girl”
Les’t see if it actually true