Hi everyone,
I was trying to make a save system to allow people to save their characters between playthroughs but just had a thought. This is going to cause problems where I’ve used disable_reuse isn’t it as I don’t think they reset when you leave the page and come back to it? Does that mean I’m going to have to remove all instances and recode resetable variables for every occasion where I’ve used a disable_reuse? (Such a pain!) Or is there an easier way to do this?
I had that same realization long ago and changed all my disable_reuse to selectable_if or just “if” to hide them and control it mostly with a temp variable I can reset whenever I want to.
Yeah, I think that might be the only way to do it. I was kind of hoping maybe there’d be a way to do a global reset (or at least a reset on each file within the game) as it’s just a bit annoying to go through and do resetable variables for each of the disable reuse and then hope I don’t miss any! I’ve got a check point system in another game I’m making as well (because you can die) and had already been converting them over when I realised that, but it does worry me I’m going to create game breaking bugs if I don’t fix all the ones that could potentially mess up the game on a replay.
This is going to cause problems where I’ve used disable_reuse isn’t it as I don’t think they reset when you leave the page and come back to it?
I’ve found it works if you go to a different .txt file and return;
*disable_reuse #Order from the Menu — you could use something to eat
*gosub text_diner_eat
You can grab a meal, then it is disabled.
But if you leave the diner and then return later, you can have another meal.
I had the same issue, and maybe some others I don’t remember now, but that’s how I solved it in the end.
Oh wow I didn’t realise that would work. Should work for Raishall. Still a potential problem for phantasmagoria where you have checkpoints. (Although I guess with the check points I could send the player out to another page and then back to the file they left. Hmm, I’ll need to think about which is going to be the easier to implement.)