I ran a quicktest and a randomtest on my game. I’m using the desktop version of CSIDE on Windows.
With this code:
Is this who you are?
#Yes, this is who I am.
*goto Name
#I would like to change my occupation.
*if (Luxae = true)
*goto Luxae
*if (Umbrae = true)
*goto Umbrae
#I want to change my race. <--line 356
*goto Race
#I wish to change my spiritual origins.
*goto Spirit
*label Name
Quicktest error: Error: startup line 356: It is illegal to fall out of a *choice statement; you must *goto or *finish before the end of the indented block. The *goto command is there, so I’m not sure what’s wrong.
But the Randomtest is saying my game has passed. And when I play through the game on CSIDE, it plays just fine, showing no errors.
Would someone mind helping me with this?