Quick question about story requirements

Hello everyone I’ve recently started writing a story in choice script and decided that as my first foray into this type of thing I didn’t want to use stats (seemed to complicate things for a first time writer like myself). My story is pretty much going to be choices and consequences. I was wondering if that is acceptable to post in hosted games or if I should implement stats in some way? Thanks.

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For hosted games you don’t have to use stats (The first game I started writing/didn’t finish originally didn’t have any). Buuut if you plan to publish via HG, most of the readers will expect it. You don’t have to, but maybe even just have a simplified one? (ie let people set their appearence and name, maybe a health meter, something like that). But the short answer is I don’t think it is an actual requirement.

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Oh okay yeah right now I have it where they can set their name and gender I was referring more to physical attributes like speed strength etc. Like if I lock out a potential choice I want it to be based on past choices not lacking strength for example.

Choice of Games (details)

Hosted Games (details)

Writing for Choice of Games (guidelines)

Choice of Games (Style Guide)

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I’d say that stats can be divided into two (well, three if you include name/gender/eye-color/name things):

  1. Fixed stats
    This one is mostly used for a “have you/haven’t you” situation, thus they mostly utilize binary code (on/off 1/0). Stats like Name, Gender, Equipments, and “You have the key” fall into this category.

  2. Progressive stats
    These kind of stats utilizes percentage-value due to its nature: progressing it. Stats like Strength, Health, and Charisma usually fall into this category.

However, if you’ve a creative (and simple) mind, you don’t have to use % to represent your P. Stats. Story like Mecha Ace uses number count on its Strength/Dexterity/etc.
You’re basically setting the rule that:
0 = non-existent
1 = weak
2 = average
3 = master
999 = godlike

This way, writing stats can be fun and simple. You’ll still be able to write a story with simple choice-consequence system, without removing the stats. There’s no need to be afraid with tinkering the stats. In fact, as your first story, I’d recommend going all-out on writing and playing with ChoiceScript.

But then, you’re under no obligation to do it my way. Have it your way. Don’t write simply because I tell you these things and have your head under my spell.

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I would recommend using stats; from what I’ve seen, have just a few stats and variables can go a long way when it comes to writing more interesting, branching paths.

Of course, you’re under no obligation to do so. But, I will share the anecdote that I started my writing my own story somewhat recently too. I had next to no experience in programming before, but after a bit of tinkering, I was able to get the hang of how all of the stats worked. The general theme of what I’m saying is, “just take a little time to play with the code and get used to how things work.” It can go a long way.

Anyways, that’s just my recommendation. :smile:

Yeah this was my experience too! Of course, I am still learning, but I never considered myself a computer person before starting here, and I doubt my past self would believe me if I went back in time and showed them my current stats screen, lol!

I would also say that even if stats aren’t important to the choices or story, they could still be a nice summary of an MC or the reader’s previous choices. Good luck!


Computers newbs for the win!

I’ll get to work on the time machine. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks everyone for the input I’ve decided that adding stats would be the best idea. I never thought of doing the point system like @Szaal said and that really interest’s me. Hopefully I’ll have a prologue up soon so that I could get input on my writing and style. Right now im full of motivation so I wanna keep that up. Again thanks everyone


The hype train’s shan’t be stopped. :mountain_railway:

Stats can also be a way of keeping track of the consequences. Using the point system described above, you could have a “stat” that goes:
0 - you haven’t stolen any cookies at all; everyone trusts you.
1 - you’ve stolen one cookie from the cookie jar; people mostly trust you.
2 - you’ve stolen two cookies from the cookie jar; Sally is looking at you funny.
3 - you’ve stolen three cookies from the cookie jar…