Protagonists are unrelatable

The blanket statement kinda reminds me of King Arther from Idylls of the King by Tennyson. In the poems, Arther is less of a man and more of an impossible symbol to his people - so much so that no one can relate to him and Guinevere even states a line that highlights this in one of those poems. He can literally do nothing wrong to the point where he isn’t even human.

It does hold a grain of truth, in my opinion though. It’s very hard for me to get engaged with super hero themed CoGs or HoGs these days because it’s hard to relate to my MC. From Ashes We Rise was probably one of the few hero games that really really hooked me as a player, but then again - you got to play as the anti-hero.

Personally, I like any type of media where the Protagonist is motivated by something that I can connect to. Bonus points to CoGs or HoGs if I can follow through with that motivation or see the narrative curve to accommodate that motivation.