(Poll) What is the first thing you look for in a game or WIP?

1: Grammer
2: Romance
3: Stats

Definitely the writing/story I can’t stand reading books/cogs that has a bad writing. I just can’t. I can’t immerse myself, therefore I cannot enjoy it the way I wanted to. I just can’t take it seriously. I end up thinking ‘what a waste of time’ and just click option after options, just skimming the whole thing.
In terms of RO and gender locked cogs I honestly couldn’t care less. As long as the writing and the story is damn good, I will play it and enjoy and recommend it. As an author myself I understand that there are aspects of your story you would not change bec you will always want to execute your story in the best way only you could possibly think of.
I think the summary is important in a game but i was one of the few people who barely look at it. If the game is popular and intriguing I will play it no matter how bad the summary is. So yea for me the first and the most important thing is the writing/story execution.


Gender choice is definitely the most important for me. I enjoy romance options, but if you can have engaging relationships w/ other characters without romance I feel like that’s perfectly good. It helps with the role playing aspect if the character is engaging w/ the characters in the world somewhat lol