In general, I don’t like them in IF games, but I think they can be useful at times. I hate them being used as basically cheat tactics so the author can delay character development (the ol’ “I’ll show you what they’re thinking so they can keep being assholes to your MC for over have the game/series!”), which is, unfortunately, precisely how they tend to be used. I also don’t like using other POVs to tell me the story. Let me experience it, don’t tell me!
I hate these more than any other use I’ve seen for non-MC POVs. I feel like the series would be exponentially better without any of the villain POVs and more interactions with the villains (see above about cheat tactics). In other words, let the reader learn about the story through the MC–that’s kind of the point. This kind of thing may work well in a TV show, but these games aren’t TV.
Eh, it wasn’t obvious to me, mainly because I’m good at judging people’s moods, but ridiculously oblivious about subtle signals, so I just wrote 7 off as being a hateful dick. That said, I didn’t particularly care for that outside POV, either, because it felt like a “hang in there, 7 doesn’t really hate you!!” thing, and I don’t like that. I RP, so give my MC something to hang on to. Don’t give it to me, because it does my MC no good at all and ends up pissing me off.
I like the option to avoid them. And I say I hate these scenes, but I play every one of Shane’s. I avoid all the others, at least!
I loved the battle scenes that had the quick POV shifts. That is one area where I love them, and would love them even in IF. Having a battle going on and getting a POV shift to someone the MC is about to rofflestomp (or get rofflestomped by) is awesome. And… OOOH!
This made me think of a game where I loved the POV shifts–I, the Forgotten One. The POV shifts during battle kept the pace of the action moving while not tearing me out of the story and not getting monotonous with choices to kick people in the nards or make them trip over limbs/their own feet/blades of grass. Best action scenes I’ve read in IF, with the ones from FH being a close second.
And I actually loved the LI POV shifts in ItFO, too, due to the reason they were used. They weren’t used to pacify the reader into tolerating shitty treatment from a NPC to their MC and were, instead, used to give a glimpse of the MC from someone else’s eyes. When you’re roleplaying a damaged MC who has little sense of self-worth outside of being a human battering ram, it’s nice to get a quick glimpse from someone who can see past that. It enriched the story for me, rather than dragging me out of it and getting me annoyed because I thought the writer was just jerking my chain to drag stuff out.
I think I need to be Bacon’s PR rep…