On creating impactful choices

Right now, I find myself in a tricky stage of game development. As far as more large-scale branching for the game goes, I find that accomplishing that is relatively easy. My real problem: creating impactful choices with genuine regularity.

For clarity, I define an “impactful” choice as one that clearly changes some set of outcomes in the game. Maybe this is just me, but I have a hard time designing choices that actually make a real difference often enough in the story where the fiction is truly “interactive”
More often than not, a lot of the minute choices I make end up just being clutter.

When I play a COG/HG game, I want to enjoy it. Part of that enjoyment comes from seeing my choices have an “oomph” to them. When I write for others, I want them to feel the same way.

Now, I’m sure that a good part of this is just because I’m new with the script and designing IF. Still, though, I find creating good choices consistently difficult. Does anyone have anything they’d like to add over how they approach the issue?

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