Not A number...but not a number variable

So my game has a time variable
ex: Time Morning, or Time Noon, ect

but when I go to make a choice, I get the error -
Not a number: Morning

below is the code (there are several choices similar to this where it needs to be a certain time. choices where you need a certain amount of material are not having this issue)

*disable_reuse *selectable_if (((time = "Morning") or (time = "Noon")) or (time = "Evening")) #Gather
  (text here)
  *if (time = "Morning")
    (text here)
    *set (variable) +5
    *set time "Noon"
    *goto (label name)
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Wouldn’t it be better for the time to be numerical?


*set time 1 (Morning)
*set time 2 (Afternoon)

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Did you *create your time variable as a number, or a string?

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Right–check to see if you have *create time “” in your *startup file. (or whatever you want time to start as–if you want it to start as Morning, it would be *create time “Morning”)

*create time "Morning"

this is what’s in my startup file, & it’s Morning, Noon, Afternoon, Evening, or Night

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Which variable are you trying to add +5 to?

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If the variable is set to “morning” you can’t +5 morning.

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variable is called cord1 currently, so that’s adding 5 to cord1

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*selectable_if (((time = "Morning") or (time = "Noon")) or (time = "Afternoon"))
  (text here)
  *if (time = "Morning")
    (text here)
    *set cord1 +5
    *set time "Noon"
    *goto (label name)

This is how it reads in my script. I know I can’t add +5 morning or whatever.

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Dont you use capitals inside text variables as a general rule

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Can I ask why? I’ve never had an issue with the capitalization in any variables before

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Can I see the full code?
Yes, including all the texts in the brackets.

And try to include the error message, too. I need to know on which line the error occured.

What do you for *create cord1?

I think the capital issue is for the name of the variable, not what you have within the variable.