Hi, first time scripter with no applicable knowledge to put to this. I managed to get a very simple idea of how mygame.js works, and now it has elected to decide otherwise. Could someone maybe help me spot something I’ve missed? I’d appreciate any help. I think I must have misplaced a comma or something but I’ve been looking at it for hours with no joy.
// Specify the list of scenes here, separated by commas, with no final comma
nav = new SceneNavigator([
// Specify the default starting stats here
stats = {
name: "unknown"
,gender: "unknown"
,hair_colour: "unknown"
,eye_colour: "unknown"
,body_type: "unknown"
,age: "unknown"
,intelligence: 10
,charisma: 10
,strength: 10
health: 10
// Specify the stats to use in debug mode
debugstats = {
name: "unknown"
,gender: "unknown"
,hair_colour: "unknown"
,eye_colour: "unknown"
,body_type: "unknown"
,age: "unknown"
,intelligence: 10
,charisma: 10
,strength: 10
health: 10
// or just use defaults
// debugStats = stats