It’s entirely up to you – what works best for your process is the best way to code anything when it comes to CS, IMO.
I don’t remember CSIDE QT not being able to process arrays, but I don’t use QT that often and I haven’t used CSIDE desktop since moving to a Chromebook.
Is it for sure the arrays causing the problem in CSIDE QT?
If you want to use arrays and don’t plan to use QT too often, you can run tests using your own copy of ChoiceScript: Testing ChoiceScript Games Automatically - Choice of Games LLC
If you mean the tables, Discourse (the forum software this forum uses) accepts markdown table formatting.
You can make a simple table like so:
| header 1 | header 2 | header 3 |
| - | - | - |
| cell 1 | cell 2 | cell 3 |
header 1 | header 2 | header 3 |
cell 1 | cell 2 | cell 3 |
For more complex tables, I find it easier to generate them in a tool like this Markdown Tables generator.
For folding sections like this
you can use BBCode style tags (conveniently available if you click the gear icon in the text editor)
This text will be hidden
or HTML style tags
<details><summary><big>Big Summary</big></summary>
This text will be hidden
I prefer HTML style tags because they give you more freedom to format the text in the summary or hidden section.
Discourse formatting isn’t super well documented, but the Forum Formatting Commands thread is a good starting place.