Negative reviews for short playthrough length

Hey! I think I know the conversation you’re referring to. We discussed it on another WIP thread. For those who want more, you can start with this comment and read on.

I’ve really enjoyed the discussion on this thread, though. A lot of valuable input and different viewpoints that have given me a lot to reflect on. More to the main theme, I agree it’s frustrating when a game, whether on the purchase page or the marketing copy for a store, clearly states the word count or that a game only offers a few chapters for free or that it’s part of a series and people still don’t read or understand that and knock down the game’s overall rating for it (the reasons for which CoG as a business or the authors personally might choose a certain way is a whole other discussion I know a lot of us have had on even more threads, lol). Or they just don’t tell you why it got one star at all! But we also have the benefit of understanding what those counts mean that the average non-writer or coder probably does not. And while there may be ways of wording the descriptions differently, I still think that will always be a problem to some extent, even if only for a small percent of our readers. You know, humans on the internet being humans and all. :sweat_smile: