While I was working on my stats page, I came across a few issues with negative numbers. I’m uncertain if I’m doing something wrong or if the problem lies in ChoiceScript itself.
First off, in my startup scene, I am unable to create variables with default values below zero. For example, the following line of code:
*create pc_arcana -1
… Results in the following error:
“Invalid create instruction, value must be a a number, true/false, or a quoted string: pc_arcana -1”
Secondly, I am unable to use negative values in conditional statements, for example:
*if (pc_arcana = -1)
… Results in the error:
“Invalid expression at char 14, expected NUMBER, STRING, VAR or PARENTHETICAL, was: OPERATOR ”
I was able to circumvent both issues, but in both cases, they are less then satisfactory solutions. Any guidance is much appreciated, and thanks in advance!
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Sadly, CS doesn’t register negative numbers, so you’ll have to find some way around it.
Inconvenient. I’m not planning on any extensive use of negatives however, so I will live. Thanks for the heads up!
My solution for conditionals was to do something like this:
*if ((pc_arcana + 1) = 0)
… Which is checking to see if pc_arcana = -1 in reality. Unfortunately, for creating variables, one has to set their value after creation.
Yeah - I think that’s unlikely to work well for most uses of variables, and so re-centering on (say) 50 rather than 0 is a more promising approach.
Of course it is still possible to have and use negative variables - for example, you can create a variable at 0 and then set it minus 1000. You just can’t create it as a negative number in the first place, or use it in conditional statements more precise than “*if stat < 0” (without elaborate addition setups like yours). In CoReb I’ve got several stats where you get a different effect when you go negative.
Yeah, definitely cumbersome. Luckily, I just need it as a flag to indicate the inability to use said stat. I suppose I could have just created a boolean, but oh well. I hate being a programmer sometimes