Mystery of the Dark Manor, a 1992 Amstrad text adventure, released to Android

Hi all

I just wanted to let people know that I have ported another one of my father’s games, Mystery of the Dark Manor, to Android devices. This uses the same engine that was programmed for Moonbase 3 so should provide a consistent user experience.

Mystery of the Dark Manor was originally released in the UK in 1992.

Its features include:
* Different font sizes
* Text to speech
* Speech input
* Android gestures to swipe the screen when moving in the different compass directions

Based on feedback from people I have made some updates to Moonbase 3.

As such both games now include:
* more helpful information when starting
* training video (more for those not overly familiar with text adventure games)
* autosave
* save/load game lists are timestamped and sorted by most recent saved first
* bug fixes

The demo for both games link here:

The full versions link here:

I appreciate the feedback people give to me on these games, it has helped make them better.

Kind regards

Mark Eaton

Please put wizards online free please :smiley:

Sorry Jacobself, never heard of that one :slight_smile:

Generally to port a game we would need the source code. I still have the source code for the games my dad created so that’s why I’m able to port them to Android.

I’ve still got a few of his games left to port over so I’ll be busy for a while (plus I do this part time outside of my fulltime job).

Hopefully another programmer can do it for you :slight_smile: