Mavriarchos (WIP)

I don’t know if anyone said this yet, but the stat page is broken


thanks was about to say the same first what i always do in every wip check the stats site ^^

it’s fixed now

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I find it kinda weird to have a pregnant RO, but it would be an interesting path to take

Considering what happened to her husband. I would been ok with her myself, but that won’t be happening.

I don’t play the men’s side of stories.

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Pretty interesting so far

For so advice on the lore, maybe when the ottomans took over the last bits of the byzantine empire, they never closed off trade to the west but just heavily taxed western trade, still giving them the push to go out and make colonies to get the Asian trade they once had, but still having the want to go though the ottoman to access the silk road, so the British took the island after the Crimean war and set it up as an trade outpost were they can use their influence over the ottomans to have lesser taxes on the Silk Road access, and the island makes it so the British don’t have to go from China all the way across the world to Britain, they can just pick the stuff up at the island and quickly get back to Britain with the goods

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Super interesting concept. Some thoughts just from the character creator though. What does descent mean, in regards to land’s, black and mixed? Could an explanation of what this actually means be provided along with the choices?
I was really thrown off by Hercules being a listed surname, but apparently it actually exist, which I find super fun! Although, if it is supposed to be a reference to the Greek hero, would a people of Greek descent/close ties to the Greeks and their deities not find it weird that it was his Roman, not Greek, name?