March 2025 Writer Support Thread

Hello and welcome to the March 2025 support thread.

Happy birthday to those with birthdays this month! :tada: Many thanks as ever to everyone for taking part in last month’s thread and congratulations for all the writing that you’ve done! I’ve listed as many updates and new WIPs from February that I could find publicly here if you fancy taking a look at what people have been up to!

There have also just been a few new Steam pages for upcoming games put up - check them out, I’m very excited for them!

It’ll be the Ides of March soon, which means Julius Caesar is on my mind… so, with that tenuous connection, here’s an interesting Mythcreants blogpost about fantasy empires:

If you like writing or reading/playing in fantasy settings, what are your thoughts about how fantasy governmental structures are written? It’s often a big part of worldbuilding and can show a lot about the setting being created!

If you would like to create the April writer support thread, please send me a message at least a day before the end of March - if I don’t hear from anyone I will make a new thread in a month’s time.


My main goal for March is to draft The Earth Has Teeth Chapter 4, and make as much progress on Chapter 5 as I can. If I could do both…? That would be incredible. But It’s very rare to be able to do two chapters in a month, so I won’t bank on that.


My main goal for March is learning Choice Script properly and writing at list the Prologue.


I thought I would share a couple of general writing advice videos.

While these are mostly about script writing, the ideas still work here.

This one is about a form of story structure that I want to try to use. More so since it is focused around the MC making a choice and having four positions are at odds. It can write itself if done well.

This video focuses on a method for coming up with a theme.

This month I hope to finish my revisions and do at least two chapter rewrites.


I finally released it—turns out it wasn’t as bad as I expected! :joy: My main goal is to get Chapter 1 out by the end of this month, though I’m not sure how realistic that is just yet.


Back in february I havent really been able to reach any of the goals I had set for myself due to real life - other than the more coding side of things and barely a page worth of story content :pensive: BUT I did get a cool lill commission made to update my WIPs banner with.

Im hoping I can actually get to updating my chapter with all the finished WIP scenes and quality of life adjustments I have made throughout the project somewhere mid march, and finish the skeleton for the new chapter up by the end of it. Yes- that’s my goal


My goal for March is to replicate what I did in January. Write 833+ words each day and have Chapter Two finished by the end of it. :slight_smile:


My goal last month was set as low I could get: write anything! Well, I passed that bar, completing a few paragraphs that concluded a trip to the hall of insect life (and introducing me to a wonderful new character I discovered in the process). However I also moved forward the extremely sensitive permissions process, preparing upon request a detailed four page list of what I wanted access to use that is outside the public domain - so I am proud of both that and the related negotiations as well.

This month, same goals, specifically write about the visit to the Komodo Dragon, which I look forward to writing.

For inspiration I am reading Rick Rubin’s The Creative Act: A Way of Being. I think many here would find it of interest.


I think this month’s goals are basically what my goals always are, indexed to the particular chapter I’m working on.

  • ~40k words on Blood of the Living.
  • Ideally, this would get me through three to four of the individual paths through the first half of the chapter, but it’s always hard to predict these things.

Good luck to everyone!


March goals:

  • Write anything at all
  • Take a look at the Robin Hood game Who am I kidding. It will be a full proofread or nothing :white_check_mark:


I’m not exactly new here (perpetual lurker that I am), but it is my first time posting to the forum! I’ve been working on my WIP for months (maybe a year now?!), ironing and re-ironing and hashing out ideas, binging films and books and games in my selected genre for inspiration, writing and scrapping openings – and love interests – and chapters… but I’m done trapping myself in the iteration loop!

My goal for this month is to refine my prologue and see how much I can expand it before moving on to a workable first draft. I have no illusions of having a demo by the end of the month, but I hope to get closer!


Now I’m curious. What’s the genre?


If I only I could pin it down! It started as a very loose adaptation of Lovecraft’s The Outsider and has evolved into a beast of its own. It’s hard to call it horror, but I’m influenced by (and deeply love) all subsections of the horror genre…

An RPG with horror elements? But delineating ‘horror’ into ‘elements’ is nonspecific… cosmic horror 1920s (ish) alternate reality setting where an eldritch apocalypse really DID happen, and now we’re in the Fallout of Eldritch bizarrerie. I’m having a blast writing it!


So… Fallen London, but a little more ‘modern’ and not underground?

My references for Eldritch Horror are unfortunately limited to that and Sucker for Love, and it’s probably not like the latter :sweat_smile:


It sounds really cool, by the way. You don’t see these types of games with Eldritch Horror themes often, probably because it’s so difficult to write.


Yeah, exactly! My worldbuilding split off pretty dramatically from what Fallen London has (mostly because I like to be a little wackier with it and because John Carpenter films are my favorite iterations on the cosmic horror formula, and they aren’t quite as New England Brine-y), but the general conceit is the same!

Really, this is what happens when I want to run a game of Call of Cthulhu and my players choose Dungeons and Dragons instead. I have to get the itch out somewhere :sweat_smile:


My primary goal this month is to improve my vampire wip’s prologue. Make it more interactive. Change some stuff around. Maybe finish ch1 this time.

There is always a need to improve.


This sounds good! I like that it’s horror-based. Kinda wish we had more horror IFs :joy:.


My goal for March is to write 30k words. My stretch goal is to finish the initial skeleton of this chapter.

I love fantasy government structures. I design different ones for each country in my world as I typically work on a continental scale. I think in most cases the government needs to be fairly fleshed out for the setting to feel real. I find it very boring when books are just like “there was a king and he was evil” as their form of government. I love a good evil king as much as the next guy, but at least explain what other groups have political power that could come against him. Even absolute monarchies have political factions they have to please. Of course I have a degree in both political science and history, so I personally just find government structure to be fascinating.

Welcome to the writer’s support thread. :grinning: Glad you decided to join us.


My goal is to publish a new demo by March 14, or else Choice of Games throws me in prison for breaking their “no hiding anything on Patreon for more than a month” rule. Suffice to say, I have one hell of a motivation.


I’m hoping to update the demo with the revised chapter one by the end of the day, just having something to eat then need to bug hunt something going wrong.

EDIT: And the demo has been updated with the revised Chapter One :slight_smile: