March 2024's Writer Support Thread

March goal:

Update my dang game.

That’s it. Should happen, unless I get sick and stuck in a rut like last month. Have some personal life shit to sort that should help once it’s done.


February was a big month for me, but not a big month for writing, unfortunately. March’s goals are more concrete, as part of my plan to catch up on lost time. After several months of having only one good writing day per week (on average), I am determined to make some solid progress.

  • Wrap up the last preparations for the Fairmont demo update (chapter 3, week 3).
  • Prepare the code skeleton for the second half of chapter 3 (week 4).
  • I’ve got some questions for my readers/players, so I wanna post some polls to the demo thread.
  • Secret goal for the secret project. :eyes:
  • Finish reading some good books that I’ve been stuck in the middle of.
  • Write some shorts that I promised to a friend.

And somewhere in the middle of all that, I also want to bake a chocolate chip cake.


My goal this month is to finish chapter 2 & recycle the old version of my current IF into something else. Chapter 2 has 2 parts.

Easy. I’m excited. Although writing romance isn’t my strong suit.


Just to clarify about this, I was talking about 403/404 errors in official COG/HG/HC games - I don’t have any insight into Dashingdon errors since that’s an unofficial site. But posting on the thread is probably still the best thing to do.


Goals for this month!

  • Finish the fifth chapter of my WIP
  • Upload the demo! (hopefully find out if I’m on the right track.)

Smaller goals

  • Finish two day off/RO segments
  • Polish the code/writing to help things flow
  • Read some more books/WIPs in genres I’m less familiar with.

One thing that was interesting about Noblesse was there were like three separate scenes with three distinctly different experiences for all the three ROs. None of them felt formulaic, and they were all sort of logical in that events slowly led in that direction.


I too need advice for this.

Thank you for that! I appreciate it.

Revisions can be useful in any context, but I didn’t see how very much it would be needed in this context. Also the play out between emotion and physicality is definitely something to keepin mind. When I used to rp spicy scenes, I found it difficult to manage that, because the physicality of it was so… foreign to me.


I haven’t worked on my game in 3 weeks now… And I’m trying very hard not to get down on myself about that. But… really, it’s difficult. I keep getting overwhelmed when I try to get back into it.


Authors take breaks, when your ready to return to your IF, your readers will be waiting.



Finally done with the copyedited fileset for Dragon of Steelthorne. :face_with_spiral_eyes: I’m planning to submit everything to HG on Monday morning, along with a detailed log/description of all edits in a separate file.

Just kept telling myself, “Don’t half-ass this. CoG paid money to copyedit this, your beta testers are putting up their names on this, and you only get one chance to give a good first impression.”

Anyways, I can finally get back to writing Scarlet Sorceress soon, maybe after playing some Atelier.


I finished an under 1000 words game (in Dutch) for the diversity jam. Go me :tada:

Edit: And true to form, I misread the instructions and handed in a jam game two months too early. Again. Whoops?


o.o this made me think you were like, a paid copyeditor? Is that something we can be? Like. Can we get paid for that?



He wasn’t paid to copyedit his own work, he was revising his work based on the paid copyeditor’s notes. But yes, CoG and HC pay copyeditors for all their games, and HG pays copyeditors for games that get a Steam release.


Good luck with your goals, everyone!

My goal is to write out Chapter 1 and squash as many code bugs as I can (because they inevitably sneak in).

I’ll also be looking for a job after 5 years of being a stay-at-home mom. The whole interviewing thing makes me nervous, but it’s got to happen.


Anybody know how to apply for that job? o.o That sounds FUN.


Friendly Reminder the deadline for the Diversity jam is 5th May Thats the universal Diversity day

@Cecilia_Rosewood It is nice having something in Dutch. I have never read something in it!


Contact CoG staff and ask. I think there’s some kind of test you have to pass. I’m not sure what requirements they have in the way of education or experience. I’ve actually had people suggest I try out for it myself a couple of times, but I’ve never pursued it.


TFW you’re writing a sequence of scenes that only happen if the player chooses a certain path and you really hope people find it because EPIC!!!


Maybe you can drop some hints in the Achievements?


Hmmmm… That’s actually a really smart idea.

I’ll try that! Thanks a ton!

In other news! I actually managed to work on my game for TWO WHOLE HOURS today! WOO! got some coding done, and some bug-work too. This section officially has no game-breakers, but now it’s kind of… trying to fix everything and then write the final bits of prose and connect it all together.


Outside of updating frequently, how do you build an audience here in the forums? Feels like most people bounce to tumblr for one reason or another