And now … the most exciting thing to be announced on this site in almost twelve whole hours.
Here’s the latest issue of ChoiceBeat, the visual novel and interactive fiction zine. As always, we have a bunch of reviews of games both old and new. (If the review of The Floating City, by six-time Hosted Games author Felicity Banks, has you wanting to give it a try, there’s a coupon code for 40% off). There’s an article by a game developer about his early love/hate relationship with parser games, and one about what game authors can learn from TTRPGs. There’s a flowchart (flowcharts are cool).
There’s an exclusive little game called You Are a Theme Park Mascot That Wants to Get Fired, in which you play a rocket scientist attempting to colonize Mars. (Just kidding!) It’s bleak and cynical and in extremely poor taste, and it made me laugh out loud several times.
You can download the zine or read it online here:
Check it out, and feel free to let us know what you think!