Making a day system, having some issues

Gave it a try to familiarise myself with *gosub and the multi-replace.
Here you go:

*temp dayN 1
*temp timeN 1
*temp dayS ""
*temp timeS ""
*comment These variables should of course be global in your project (*create, not *temp).

*gosub updateDayAndTimeStrings

*label start

It's ${dayS} ${timeS}!

	#advance day
		*gosub newDay
		*goto done
	#advance time
		*gosub newTime
		*goto done

*label done

*goto start

*finish Unreachable

*label newDay
*set timeN 1
*set dayn "@{(dayN < 7) ${dayN + 1} | 1}"
*gosub updateDayAndTimeStrings

*label newTime
*set timeN +1
*if timeN > 7
	*gosub newDay
*gosub updateDayAndTimeStrings

*label updateDayAndTimeStrings
*set dayS "@{dayN Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thrusday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday}"
*set timeS "@{timeN morning |mid-morning | noon | afternoon | mid-day | evening | night}"