January 2025 Writer Support Thread

I enjoy the articles, and generally sharing goals and what’s going on with writing. I like this as a centralised area for all writers to discuss, rather than being focused on a single project like the WIP threads are.

I think the snippet-sharing in the middle of the month is nice as it’s a very low-pressure way of throwing something out there - for me it contributes to the feeling of writing being a less isolated process.

If others would like to take turns creating these threads as well that’s great - all I ask is that it gets arranged in advance so no one’s scrambling. I am happy to be a last-resort backup but would prefer that not to be the norm.

In other news… in case anyone missed it, I posted a WIP and release digest for December plus:

The numbers are astonishing: 30 published games, 160 brand-new WIPs, and 142 WIPs updated that were started in 2023 and earlier. I’m absolutely amazed by how much hard work and creativity is bubbling away in the ChoiceScript writing community.

At the start of 2024 I didn’t actually do a writing resolution, but just a January one. But for 2025, I won’t be releasing a whole game unless I somehow write at extraordinary speed, so my goal is to share my Project Amble WIP when the time comes, and to make as much progress on it as I can. I also want to plan out some Patreon activity well in advance so I can figure out making it a more relaxed endeavour.

For January itself, my goal is to complete a first draft of Chapter 1 of Project Amble, finalise a map of the area in which the game takes place, and send off a revised outline for another thing (which… I’ve said a lot of times and spanners have been thrown in the works. Hopefully fewer spanners this month).