It is illegal to fall in to an *else statement; you must *goto or *finish before the end of the indented block

Hey, i keep getting the error shown in the title of this post. i really am stumped because it seems like all my lines have a goto.
heres my code

*selectable_if (cPush = true) #Push the Centre
*if (warscore > 0) and (deployment = 2)
You manage to push back the villains forces, inflicting heavy losses and gaining ground!
*set warscore +10
*set hero -50
*set villain-150
*goto combat
*elseif (warscore < 0) and (deployment !=2)
The attempted push is a catastrophic failure! As a result, the villain counterattacks the flanks!
*set hero -150
*set villain -50
*goto vPush
*elseif (warscore > 0) and (deployment !=2)
Your men gain some ground in the push, however it is more or less a stalemate.
*set hero -50
*set villain -50
*goto combat
< BlockQuote

A post was merged into an existing topic: Illegal to fall into an else statement