I tried searching and can’t seem to find a discussion on how to add more vars. Sorry if this is already answered.
I’ve been trying to make seven conditions, but I can’t seem to make it work.
*if (((((var1) or (var2)) or (var3))) or ((var4) or (var5)))) or ((var6) or (var7)))))
It’s wrong, I know so I need a little help please and thank you.
@BlazedStorm 26 conditions at once!? Oh wow. At that point it would probably be easier to set individual *ifs one after another in a list instead.
Y’know this is something that gives me trouble as well from time to time, and I’ve yet to find a hard rule on how it should be constructed, past three conditions. I’ve heard that it ought to be in sets of twos, but in your example only the first two is a pair, while the rest seems to just be tacked on there.
Obviously it seems to be several right ways to doing this, I usually go with pairs of twos beyond the three, so *if (((var1) and (var2)) and ((var3) and (var4))), and that works as well, but your method certainly seems simpler.
The real trouble comes when you’re mixing or and and. Like for instance;
*if (((hamburger) and (pickles)) or ((hotdog) and (pickles)). There have been times when I have wondered, do I need to specify this var again or is there some way I could set the ‘and’ to apply for both? For instance, *if (((hamburger) or (hotdog)) and (pickles)), in this case, it would appear as if either hamburger needs to be true, or hotdog and pickles, but pickles doesn’t matter for the burger. I’ve been meaning to experiment with this, but I haven’t gotten around to it. Would be interesting to hear more about how others handle this.
@MutonElite I do, nearly 1000 lines, and then each if has around 15 vars, and every now and then there are some with 26. Its part of my ‘create your very own playable species hybrid’, resulting into over 350 different playable species that I gave up with separately coding at every specific choice xD
@BlazedStorm That’s some ambition there! But it also sounds undoable, maybe if the species’ features were just cosmetic it could be done, but otherwise… Like wow, does your creature have a tail, do this? Does it have arms, do that? Does it have arms AND a tail, do this! Recreating Spore in text form.
@Havenstone Ah yeah, I remember seeing that thread before. Thanks for linking!