Is it possible to add a back button?

@Vendetta “As a general rule, it’s not usually a good idea to accede to the wishes of a minority if doing so would definitely be against the best interests of the majority… which in this case it most certainly would be. The back button is disabled for a very good reason.”

In practice, that depends entirely on how loud the minority is, doesn’t it? And in this case, I’m rather on the side of the minority. There have been numerous occasions where I’ve selected an option, only to find the author had loaded it with numerous unforseen consequences, which I didn’t wish to accept. If a game had a list of professions, and choosing ‘Saggar Maker’s Bottom Knocker’ was taken to mean “You are a member of Occupy Hampton-on-Sea,” you can bet I’d be reloading the game to find an option allowing me to truncheon the crusties, which is a bit of a faff.

If having the option present before you makes you feel a little too tempted to savescum, as it were, then just do as @Magma suggested, and leave it at user discression whether to turn it on or off.