It’s come to my attention that the writer and coder of these games are not necessarily the same person. I was actually expecting that the majority of games here are solo efforts. My impression was that one of the goals of Choicescript as a language is that it’s relatively accessible, so that writers would be able to use it without much programming knowledge. So I’m wondering if it’s more common that Choicescript games are made as a team, or by just a single person.
I always read the credits of the games I play, and it’s quite rare to see a separately credited writer and coder. And in many of the interviews I’ve read, authors have talked about learning to code in the process of writing the game. I think working in teams as you describe is actually pretty rare.
Oh, ok, so it is as I thought.
There’s two team (as in more than two people worked on it) projects published that I know of. There might be writer/coder pairs, but generally ChoiceScript games are written and coded by the same person.
Talking only published games: Although there are a few games written by multiple people, they’re the exception rather than the rule and most are single person efforts. In most there is not a separate writer and coder even if there are multiple authors. There are far more people who start off wanting to primarily write rather than code, so if you want to have a HG game, you usually need to learn how to code yourself rather than finding a coder willing to format your game.