Invalid indent, expected at least one line in 'if' true block question

I’m getting the error code of invalid indent, expected at least one line in ‘if’ true block

*label goodbye
"It's been great getting to know you ${name} but I should go back to training." Boyd says. "Ok, see you later. I should go find the others." You say.
*if peoplecount = 1
	*goto people
*if peoplecount = 2
	*goto people
*if peoplecount = 3
	*goto people
*if peoplecount = 4
	*goto paragraph1

*label paragraph1
After catching up with everyone, you're enjoying exploring the area when you hear footsteps. You turn around to see ${crush}. "I know I could've talked to you when you visited but I wanted to have some alone time with you." ${crush} said. "Yes, that's why I came. I wanted to visit." You said. 

This is the code both before and after the if statements. But I’ve used the same code in earlier parts in the same chapter and hasn’t been a problem until it got to this point so I’m not sure what the problem is. Thanks for the help.

Mnn… normally that means the indents are off, but it doesn’t look like it.

Also, if you have two or more option go to the same label you can do this:

*if (people =4)
   *goto paragraph1
   *goto people

Which line does the error happened?

Check that you haven’t used a mixture of tabs and spaces for your indents.

The line was

I have checked (by deleting the tab and redoing it) and it still comes up with the same error.

It looked fine in the code above.

Mnnn… for the sake of it…

Try putting everything behind *if in ()

I tried

*if (peoplecount = 4)

But I still get the same error message

Are there any ifs at people or paragraph1?

Can you post the entirety of the code? I start to think the error happened elsewhere.

Oh, and also post the error message.

@MeltingPenguins there aren’t any ifs at either of those points
Here is the code for that scene

Chapter Nine

It's been a few days since they had left and you have been trying to decide if you should go and visit them. You head over to the park to go and open the portal. You make it to the park and activate the necklace that ${crush} had given you. Before you step in you hear footsteps, you turn around to see Mark. "What are you doing here?" You ask. "I wanted to see what you were doing. I wanted to spend time with you." He answers. "I don't want you coming with me, how many times do I have to tell you no." You say.
*if markfriendship >30
	*set markcome "True"
"I'm coming with you to wherever it is that you are going. I want to make sure that you are safe." He says. You stand there slightly in shock that Mark actually cared. "Fine, just don't be annoying." You answer. "Ok, I can agree to that." He says. You both head through the portal.
*if markfriendship <30
	*set markcome "False"
"Ok, fine I give up, you obviously don't want to be with me, I'll leave. Just don't get killed ok?" He says. "Finally you listened. And yes I'll try not to get killed while over there." You said. You head through the portal.
It took a few minutes to get adjusted to your new surroundings. You realize that you're in a wooded area. You spot a path, which you end up following. The path ends up leading you to a camp, where you recognize some people. You are delighted that it didn't take you long to find the people you were looking for.
*label people
	*disable_reuse #Ike
		*set peoplecount +1
		*goto ike
	*disable_reuse #Mist
		*set peoplecount +1
		*goto mist
	*disable_reuse #Gatrie
		*set peoplecount +1
		*goto gatrie
	*disable_reuse #Boyd
		*set peoplecount +1
		*goto boyd

*label ike
After asking around, you finally find Ike. He was training, you walk up to him. "Hi Ike." He turns around. "Hey, ${name} it's great to see you again." He says as he walks over to you. "What are you doing here?" He asks. "I thought I would come and visit everyone." You say. "I'm glad to see you again." He says. "How was your training going?" You ask. "It was going well. Would you like to join me?" He asks.
		*set ikefriendship +10
		*goto sure
	#No thanks
		*set ikefriendship -10
		*goto nothanks
*label sure
"Great." Ike answers. You go and pick up ${weapon} and start sparring with Ike. 
*page_break Ten minutes later
"That was fun." You say. "Yeah it was." Ike replies. "I should go say hi to the other, I'll see you later." You say. "Yeah I should go to, so see you later." He says. You both go your separate ways.
*goto people

*label nothanks
"Oh, ok that's too bad then." Ike answers a little disappointed. "I have some stuff to do, so I'll see you later then." "Yeah, I should go see the others anyway, so see you later." You answer. You both go your separate ways.
*if peoplecount = 1
	*goto people
*if peoplecount = 2
	*goto people
*if peoplecount = 3
	*goto people
*if peoplecount = 4
	*goto paragraph1

*label mist
After looking around you finally find Mist. She is in the medical tent. She is helping someone, so you wait until she is finished. "Hey, Mist." Mist turns around "Hi, ${name}." She says as she walks over. "Why don't we get out of here and catch up."  She says. "Ok." You answer. The two of you walk out of the tent.
The two of you are wondering through the camp. "It's great to see you again. How have things been going for you?" Mist asks.
	#It's been good, I've missed you and ${crush}
		*set mistfriendship +5
		*if crush = "Ike"
			*set ikefriendship +5
		*if crush = "Boyd"
			*set boydfriendship +5
		*if crush = "Gatrie"
			*set gatriefriendship +5
	#It's only been a few days but I'm glad to see everyone again
		*set mistfriendship +5
		*set ikefriendship +5
		*set boydfriendship +5
		*set gatriefriendship +5
	#I've been good, just missed everyone here so I thought I should come
		*set mistfriendship +6
		*set ikefriendship +6
		*set boydfriendship +6
		*set gatriefriendship +6

"That's good, I'm glad to see you again too." Mist replies. The two of you spend some time catching up. "It's been great seeing you and as much as I've enjoyed this break I should be getting back to my work." Mist says. "Ok, I'll see you later." You say. You both go your separate ways.
*if peoplecount = 1
	*goto people
*if peoplecount = 2
	*goto people
*if peoplecount = 3
	*goto people
*if peoplecount = 4
	*goto paragraph1

*label gatrie
As you are walking through the camp you end up running into Gatrie. "Hey, Gatrie, nice to see you." You say. "Hey, ${name} it's a pleasure to see you again." He replies. "What are you doing here?" He asks.
	*selectable_if (crush = "Gatrie") #I came to visit you, as I missed you and wanted to see you again.
		*set gatriefriendship +20
		*goto visitgatrie
	#I came to visit ${crush} and thought I should visit everyone
		*set gatriefriendship +5
		*set mistfriendship +5
		*if crush = Ike
			*set ikefriendship +10
			*set ikefriendship +5
		*if crush = Boyd
			*set boydfriendship +10
			*set boydfriendship +5
		*goto visitcrush
	#I wanted to come and visit everyone
		*set gatriefriendship +10
		*set ikefriendship +10
		*set boydfriendship +10
		*set mistfriendship +10
		*goto visiteveryone
*label visitgatrie
"Really?! I missed you too, I really wanted to see you again too but wasn't sure how to come back to you." Gatrie replies. "Well, good thing I decided to come." You say. The two of you spend some time catching up. "I should say hello to some of the others." You say. "Really? I was hoping I could spend the entire time with you." Gatrie said. "I don't think I should have a monopoly on your time. Besides it would be rude if I didn't say hi to everyone else." You reply. "Ok fine, I guess I should go train." Gatrie said. The two of you go your separate ways.
*if peoplecount = 1
	*goto people
*if peoplecount = 2
	*goto people
*if peoplecount = 3
	*goto people
*if peoplecount = 4
	*goto paragraph1

*label visitcrush
"SO, you mean to say that you didn't just come to see me." Gatrie says. "No, not just you but how have you been?" You ask. "I've been good, glad to be back home." He says. "That's good." You say. After a few minutes of awkward conversations. "I should go and say hi to the others." You say. "Ok, I'll see you later." Gatrie says. "See you later." You say, as you go to find the others.
*if peoplecount = 1
	*goto people
*if peoplecount = 2
	*goto people
*if peoplecount = 3
	*goto people
*if peoplecount = 4
	*goto paragraph1

*label visiteveryone
"That's nice, it's really nice to see you again." Gatrie says. The two of you spend some time together. "I should go and do some training, so I'll see you later." Gatrie says. "Ok, I'll see you later." You say. You then go and find someone else.
*if peoplecount = 1
	*goto people
*if peoplecount = 2
	*goto people
*if peoplecount = 3
	*goto people
*if peoplecount = 4
	*goto paragraph1

*label boyd
You find yourself getting slightly hungery, you decided to go and get some food. You sit down to eat when Boyd sits across from you. "Hi, ${name}, I saw you come and sit and thought you shouldn't be sitting all by yourself." Boyd says. "Hi, Boyd that was a nice thought." You reply. "So what would a perfect day look like for you?" Boyd asks. 
	#Reading books
		*set smarts +15
		*goto books
	#Working out
		*set fitness +15
		*set boydfriendship +15
		*goto workingout
	#Painting and drawing
		*set artistic +15
		*goto painting
	#Learning something new
		*set criticalthinking +15
		*goto learning
*label books
"That sounds interesting, what types of books do you like to read?" Boyd asks.
		*set boydfriendship +15
		*set gatriefriendship +15
		*set ikefriendship +15
		*set smarts +15
		*set cryticalthinking +15
	#Any fiction
		*set artistic +15
"That sounds interesting, I'm not into books myself, I'm more into training." He answers.  "Well, everyone has their own thing." You answer.
*goto goodbye

*label workingout
"Really?! I love working out, it's the best thing to do." Boyd replies. "Yes, that's very true. It helps take your mind off of all of ones troubles." You say. "Couldn't agree with you more." Boyd says.
*goto goodbye

*label painting
"That sounds interesting. I've always been kinda jealous of people who can do that, as I don't have the patience to do that." Boyd says. "Really? I find it can be really relaxing." You reply.
*goto goodbye

*label learning
"Why would you like to do that?" Boyd asks. "It helps me to see things from another side. Also by knowing more stuff it can be useful when having conversations with people." You say. "That's true, I guess you have a point." Boyd replies
*goto goodbye

*label goodbye
"It's been great getting to know you ${name} but I should go back to training." Boyd says. "Ok, see you later. I should go find the others." You say.
*if peoplecount = 1
	*goto people
*if peoplecount = 2
	*goto people
*if peoplecount = 3
	*goto people
*if peoplecount = 4
	*goto paragraph1

*label paragraph1
After catching up with everyone, you're enjoying exploring the area when you hear footsteps. You turn around to see ${crush}. "I know I could've talked to you when you visited but I wanted to have some alone time with you." ${crush} said. "Yes, that's why I came. I wanted to visit." You said. 
*if markcome = true
${name}, I've finally found you." Mark said. "What is he doing here? Why did you bring him?" ${crush} asked. "I didn't bring him, he followed me there wasn't anything I could do about it." You answer. 
"What are you jealous of my relationship with ${name}?" Mark said. "What, you must be out of your mind. I am not jealous of you, ${name} like sme and always complains about how annoying you are." ${crush} said. "That can't be true as ${name} likes me and only me." Mark said. "Wow, you're just as annoying as ${name} said you were. Now leave please as we have some catching up to do." ${crush} said. "I don't think so, I'm not going anywhere." Mark says. 
	#Stop fighting, Mark please leave so I can spend some time with ${crush}
		*if crush = Ike
			*set ikefriendship +15
		*if crush = Gatrie
			*set gatriefriendship +15
		*if crush =Boyd
			*set boydfriendship +15
		*set markfriendship -10
	#Both of you stop it Mark go away I'm not here to spend time with you
		*if crush = Ike
			*set ikefriendship +20
		*if crush = Gatrie
			*set gatriefriendship +20
		*if crush =Boyd
			*set boydfriendship +20
		*set markfriendship -15
They both stop fighting and Mark leaves you alone with ${crush}. "I'm glad he's gone." You say. "Yeah me too." ${crush} says. The two of you spend some time together doing some more catching up.

*if markcome = false
The two of you spend some time together doing some more catching up. 

"I guess I should go back. I'll try to come back soon." You say. "Uh, about that. I should've told you that beforehand but you can't come back." ${crush} said. "What do you mean? Why not?" You ask. "It's because it was only useable once and I was just so excited to give it to you that it just slipped my mind." ${crush} said. 
	#I can't believe you didn't tell me and that I used it soo soon. I'm so mad at you.
		*if crush = Ike
			*set ikefriendship -10
		*if crush = Gatrie
			*set gatriefriendship -10
		*if crush =Boyd
			*set boydfriendship -10
		*goto mad
	*selectable_if (smarts >60) #So you thought it was ok to give me something without telling me all of the 	important information. I just can't believe this.
		*if crush = Ike
			*set ikefriendship -15
		*if crush = Gatrie
			*set gatriefriendship -15
		*if crush =Boyd
			*set boydfriendship -15
		*goto cantbelieve
	*selectable_if (confidence >60) #I can't believe this, I'm so disappointed and mad at you.
		*if crush = Ike
			*set ikefriendship -20
		*if crush = Gatrie
			*set gatriefriendship -20
		*if crush =Boyd
			*set boydfriendship -20
		*goto disappointed
*label mad
"I know what I did was wrong and hurtful but I don't know what else to say except I'm sorry." ${crush} says. "Look I don't know how I feel, so I'm going home and you can figure out how to come and visit and we can talk then." You say. "But what if I can't." ${crush} says. "Well I'm disappointed in you for not saying anything but I don't know about forgivness. But I'm still going to miss you when I go back." You say. "Ok, I'll take it. Now let me walk you back and send you back home." ${crush} says. "Ok." You say.
*page_break You head back to camp
You head back through the portal to your own world. You walk back home and wonder if you will ever see any of them again.

*label cantbelieve
"Yes I know, it was wrong of me to do so but I was just so excited to give it to you and you looked so happy that I just didn't want to disappoint you." ${crush} says. "Well, now I'm disappointed in you. I'm going to go home and figure out exactly how I feel about you." You say. "Before you go I just want to say that not only am I sorry about what happened but I'm going to miss you when you leave and I never wanted to hurt you." ${crush} said. "Ok, I'm not sure about forgivness. But I'm still going to miss you when I go back." You say. "Ok, I'll take it. Now let me walk you back and send you back home." ${crush} says. "Ok." You say.
*page_break You head back to camp
You head back through the portal to your own world. You walk back home and wonder if you will ever see any of them again.

*label disappointed
"I know and I deserve it but I want to work things out, I really didn't mean to hurt you." ${crush} said. "I know but I am still hurt and upset. If I had known then I wouldn't have used it so soon." You reply. "I get that, I understand but I'm really disappointed in myself for not saying anything and I really don't want you to be mad at me." He says. "I know but I think I may need some time to get over it so at the moment I'm not completely mad at you." You say. "Ok, I'll tak it." ${crush} says. 
*page_break You head back to camp
You head back through the portal to your own world. You walk back home and wonder if you will ever see any of them again.

Let me know if you can see anything obvious and this is the error that keeps coming up

RANDOMTEST FAILED: Error: chapternine line 204: invalid indent, expected at least one line in ‘if’ true block

You got this

*if markcome = true
${name}, I've finally found you." Mark said. "What is he doing here? Why did you bring him?" ${crush} asked. "I didn't bring him, he followed me there wasn't anything I could do about it." You answer. 

Unindented line in *if block.

also i thiiiiiink the *goto les if/else might cause trouble.

I think there might be another (unrelated) error – when you visit Ike and choose sure, it only has *goto people at the end. But since the options have *disable_reuse, if you visited the others and went to Ike last, I think it would return you to the choice list without any option to choose from.

Thanks guys that error seems to have been solved.

Ok, I’m having another error in the same scene.

Chapter Nine

It's been a few days since they had left and you have been trying to decide if you should go and visit them. You head over to the park to go and open the portal. You make it to the park and activate the necklace that ${crush} had given you. Before you step in you hear footsteps, you turn around to see Mark. "What are you doing here?" You ask. "I wanted to see what you were doing. I wanted to spend time with you." He answers. "I don't want you coming with me, how many times do I have to tell you no." You say.
*if markfriendship >30
	*set markcome "True"
"I'm coming with you to wherever it is that you are going. I want to make sure that you are safe." He says. You stand there slightly in shock that Mark actually cared. "Fine, just don't be annoying." You answer. "Ok, I can agree to that." He says. You both head through the portal.
*if markfriendship <30
	*set markcome "False"
"Ok, fine I give up, you obviously don't want to be with me, I'll leave. Just don't get killed ok?" He says. "Finally you listened. And yes I'll try not to get killed while over there." You said. You head through the portal.
It took a few minutes to get adjusted to your new surroundings. You realize that you're in a wooded area. You spot a path, which you end up following. The path ends up leading you to a camp, where you recognize some people. You are delighted that it didn't take you long to find the people you were looking for.
*label people
	*disable_reuse #Ike
		*set peoplecount +1
		*goto ike
	*disable_reuse #Mist
		*set peoplecount +1
		*goto mist
	*disable_reuse #Gatrie
		*set peoplecount +1
		*goto gatrie
	*disable_reuse #Boyd
		*set peoplecount +1
		*goto boyd

*label ike
After asking around, you finally find Ike. He was training, you walk up to him. "Hi Ike." He turns around. "Hey, ${name} it's great to see you again." He says as he walks over to you. "What are you doing here?" He asks. "I thought I would come and visit everyone." You say. "I'm glad to see you again." He says. "How was your training going?" You ask. "It was going well. Would you like to join me?" He asks.
		*set ikefriendship +10
		*goto sure
	#No thanks
		*set ikefriendship -10
		*goto nothanks
*label sure
"Great." Ike answers. You go and pick up ${weapon} and start sparring with Ike. 
*page_break Ten minutes later
"That was fun." You say. "Yeah it was." Ike replies. "I should go say hi to the other, I'll see you later." You say. "Yeah I should go to, so see you later." He says. You both go your separate ways.
*if peoplecount = 1
	*goto people
*if peoplecount = 2
	*goto people
*if peoplecount = 3
	*goto people
*if peoplecount = 4
	*goto paragraph1

*label nothanks
"Oh, ok that's too bad then." Ike answers a little disappointed. "I have some stuff to do, so I'll see you later then." "Yeah, I should go see the others anyway, so see you later." You answer. You both go your separate ways.
*if peoplecount = 1
	*goto people
*if peoplecount = 2
	*goto people
*if peoplecount = 3
	*goto people
*if peoplecount = 4
	*goto paragraph1

*label mist
After looking around you finally find Mist. She is in the medical tent. She is helping someone, so you wait until she is finished. "Hey, Mist." Mist turns around "Hi, ${name}." She says as she walks over. "Why don't we get out of here and catch up."  She says. "Ok." You answer. The two of you walk out of the tent.
The two of you are wondering through the camp. "It's great to see you again. How have things been going for you?" Mist asks.
	#It's been good, I've missed you and ${crush}
		*set mistfriendship +5
		*if crush = Ike
			*set ikefriendship +5
		*if crush = Boyd
			*set boydfriendship +5
		*if crush = Gatrie
			*set gatriefriendship +5
	#It's only been a few days but I'm glad to see everyone again
		*set mistfriendship +5
		*set ikefriendship +5
		*set boydfriendship +5
		*set gatriefriendship +5
	#I've been good, just missed everyone here so I thought I should come
		*set mistfriendship +6
		*set ikefriendship +6
		*set boydfriendship +6
		*set gatriefriendship +6

"That's good, I'm glad to see you again too." Mist replies. The two of you spend some time catching up. "It's been great seeing you and as much as I've enjoyed this break I should be getting back to my work." Mist says. "Ok, I'll see you later." You say. You both go your separate ways.
*if peoplecount = 1
	*goto people
*if peoplecount = 2
	*goto people
*if peoplecount = 3
	*goto people
*if peoplecount = 4
	*goto paragraph1

*label gatrie
As you are walking through the camp you end up running into Gatrie. "Hey, Gatrie, nice to see you." You say. "Hey, ${name} it's a pleasure to see you again." He replies. "What are you doing here?" He asks.
	*selectable_if (crush = "Gatrie") #I came to visit you, as I missed you and wanted to see you again.
		*set gatriefriendship +20
		*goto visitgatrie
	#I came to visit ${crush} and thought I should visit everyone
		*set gatriefriendship +5
		*set mistfriendship +5
		*if crush = Ike
			*set ikefriendship +10
			*goto visitcrush
			*set ikefriendship +5
			*goto visitcrush
		*if crush = Boyd
			*set boydfriendship +10
			*goto visitcrush
			*set boydfriendship +5
			*goto visitcrush
	#I wanted to come and visit everyone
		*set gatriefriendship +10
		*set ikefriendship +10
		*set boydfriendship +10
		*set mistfriendship +10
		*goto visiteveryone
*label visitgatrie
"Really?! I missed you too, I really wanted to see you again too but wasn't sure how to come back to you." Gatrie replies. "Well, good thing I decided to come." You say. The two of you spend some time catching up. "I should say hello to some of the others." You say. "Really? I was hoping I could spend the entire time with you." Gatrie said. "I don't think I should have a monopoly on your time. Besides it would be rude if I didn't say hi to everyone else." You reply. "Ok fine, I guess I should go train." Gatrie said. The two of you go your separate ways.
*if peoplecount = 1
	*goto people
*if peoplecount = 2
	*goto people
*if peoplecount = 3
	*goto people
*if peoplecount = 4
	*goto paragraph1

*label visitcrush
"SO, you mean to say that you didn't just come to see me." Gatrie says. "No, not just you but how have you been?" You ask. "I've been good, glad to be back home." He says. "That's good." You say. After a few minutes of awkward conversations. "I should go and say hi to the others." You say. "Ok, I'll see you later." Gatrie says. "See you later." You say, as you go to find the others.
*if peoplecount = 1
	*goto people
*if peoplecount = 2
	*goto people
*if peoplecount = 3
	*goto people
*if peoplecount = 4
	*goto paragraph1

*label visiteveryone
"That's nice, it's really nice to see you again." Gatrie says. The two of you spend some time together. "I should go and do some training, so I'll see you later." Gatrie says. "Ok, I'll see you later." You say. You then go and find someone else.
*if peoplecount = 1
	*goto people
*if peoplecount = 2
	*goto people
*if peoplecount = 3
	*goto people
*if peoplecount = 4
	*goto paragraph1

*label boyd
You find yourself getting slightly hungery, you decided to go and get some food. You sit down to eat when Boyd sits across from you. "Hi, ${name}, I saw you come and sit and thought you shouldn't be sitting all by yourself." Boyd says. "Hi, Boyd that was a nice thought." You reply. "So what would a perfect day look like for you?" Boyd asks. 
	#Reading books
		*set smarts +15
		*goto books
	#Working out
		*set fitness +15
		*set boydfriendship +15
		*goto workingout
	#Painting and drawing
		*set artistic +15
		*goto painting
	#Learning something new
		*set criticalthinking +15
		*goto learning
*label books
"That sounds interesting, what types of books do you like to read?" Boyd asks.
		*set boydfriendship +15
		*set gatriefriendship +15
		*set ikefriendship +15
		*set smarts +15
		*set cryticalthinking +15
	#Any fiction
		*set artistic +15
"That sounds interesting, I'm not into books myself, I'm more into training." He answers.  "Well, everyone has their own thing." You answer.
*goto goodbye

*label workingout
"Really?! I love working out, it's the best thing to do." Boyd replies. "Yes, that's very true. It helps take your mind off of all of ones troubles." You say. "Couldn't agree with you more." Boyd says.
*goto goodbye

*label painting
"That sounds interesting. I've always been kinda jealous of people who can do that, as I don't have the patience to do that." Boyd says. "Really? I find it can be really relaxing." You reply.
*goto goodbye

*label learning
"Why would you like to do that?" Boyd asks. "It helps me to see things from another side. Also by knowing more stuff it can be useful when having conversations with people." You say. "That's true, I guess you have a point." Boyd replies
*goto goodbye

*label goodbye
"It's been great getting to know you ${name} but I should go back to training." Boyd says. "Ok, see you later. I should go find the others." You say.
*if peoplecount = 1
	*goto people
*if peoplecount = 2
	*goto people
*if peoplecount = 3
	*goto people
*if peoplecount = 4
	*goto paragraph1

*label paragraph1
After catching up with everyone, you're enjoying exploring the area when you hear footsteps. You turn around to see ${crush}. "I know I could've talked to you when you visited but I wanted to have some alone time with you." ${crush} said. "Yes, that's why I came. I wanted to visit." You said. 
*if markcome = true
	${name}, I've finally found you." Mark said. "What is he doing here? Why did you bring him?" ${crush} 	asked. "I didn't bring him, he followed me there wasn't anything I could do about it." You answer. 
"What are you jealous of my relationship with ${name}?" Mark said. "What, you must be out of your mind. I am not jealous of you, ${name} like sme and always complains about how annoying you are." ${crush} said. "That can't be true as ${name} likes me and only me." Mark said. "Wow, you're just as annoying as ${name} said you were. Now leave please as we have some catching up to do." ${crush} said. "I don't think so, I'm not going anywhere." Mark says. 
	#Stop fighting, Mark please leave so I can spend some time with ${crush}
		*if crush = Ike
			*set ikefriendship +15
		*if crush = Gatrie
			*set gatriefriendship +15
		*if crush = Boyd
			*set boydfriendship +15
		*set markfriendship -10
	#Both of you stop it Mark go away I'm not here to spend time with you
		*if crush = Ike
			*set ikefriendship +20
		*if crush = Gatrie
			*set gatriefriendship +20
		*if crush = Boyd
			*set boydfriendship +20
		*set markfriendship -15
They both stop fighting and Mark leaves you alone with ${crush}. "I'm glad he's gone." You say. "Yeah me too." ${crush} says. The two of you spend some time together doing some more catching up.

*if markcome = false
	The two of you spend some time together doing some more catching up. 

"I guess I should go back. I'll try to come back soon." You say. "Uh, about that. I should've told you that beforehand but you can't come back." ${crush} said. "What do you mean? Why not?" You ask. "It's because it was only useable once and I was just so excited to give it to you that it just slipped my mind." ${crush} said. 
	#I can't believe you didn't tell me and that I used it soo soon. I'm so mad at you.
		*if crush = Ike
			*set ikefriendship -10
		*if crush = Gatrie
			*set gatriefriendship -10
		*if crush =Boyd
			*set boydfriendship -10
		*goto mad
	*selectable_if (smarts >60) #So you thought it was ok to give me something without telling me all of the 	important information. I just can't believe this.
		*if crush = Ike
			*set ikefriendship -15
		*if crush = Gatrie
			*set gatriefriendship -15
		*if crush =Boyd
			*set boydfriendship -15
		*goto cantbelieve
	*selectable_if (confidence >60) #I can't believe this, I'm so disappointed and mad at you.
		*if crush = Ike
			*set ikefriendship -20
		*if crush = Gatrie
			*set gatriefriendship -20
		*if crush =Boyd
			*set boydfriendship -20
		*goto disappointed
*label mad
"I know what I did was wrong and hurtful but I don't know what else to say except I'm sorry." ${crush} says. "Look I don't know how I feel, so I'm going home and you can figure out how to come and visit and we can talk then." You say. "But what if I can't." ${crush} says. "Well I'm disappointed in you for not saying anything but I don't know about forgivness. But I'm still going to miss you when I go back." You say. "Ok, I'll take it. Now let me walk you back and send you back home." ${crush} says. "Ok." You say.
*page_break You head back to camp
You head back through the portal to your own world. You walk back home and wonder if you will ever see any of them again.

*label cantbelieve
"Yes I know, it was wrong of me to do so but I was just so excited to give it to you and you looked so happy that I just didn't want to disappoint you." ${crush} says. "Well, now I'm disappointed in you. I'm going to go home and figure out exactly how I feel about you." You say. "Before you go I just want to say that not only am I sorry about what happened but I'm going to miss you when you leave and I never wanted to hurt you." ${crush} said. "Ok, I'm not sure about forgivness. But I'm still going to miss you when I go back." You say. "Ok, I'll take it. Now let me walk you back and send you back home." ${crush} says. "Ok." You say.
*page_break You head back to camp
You head back through the portal to your own world. You walk back home and wonder if you will ever see any of them again.

*label disappointed
"I know and I deserve it but I want to work things out, I really didn't mean to hurt you." ${crush} said. "I know but I am still hurt and upset. If I had known then I wouldn't have used it so soon." You reply. "I get that, I understand but I'm really disappointed in myself for not saying anything and I really don't want you to be mad at me." He says. "I know but I think I may need some time to get over it so at the moment I'm not completely mad at you." You say. "Ok, I'll tak it." ${crush} says. 
*page_break You head back to camp
You head back through the portal to your own world. You walk back home and wonder if you will ever see any of them again.

This is the updated code from the previous suggestions, the new error is,

RANDOMTEST FAILED: Error: chapternine line 69: Non-existent variable ‘ike’

*if (crush = "ike")

String varibles need to be put in “” when checking for them. Otherwise the game will check if var1 is the same as another var

Also: see that you put string variables all lower case (ike instead of Ike). It helps.

Just do $!{var} if you want to display it with a capitel letter

btw, what program you use to edit your code?

@Szaal I use notepad

Ah, no wonder. Use Notepad++, or Atom Writer, or even CS-IDE, anything. They have line number UI-elements, so you can pinpoint the location of error.