Intimidated by Game Length

Old DOS machine
get wordstar 3.0 or 4.0

and dont lose focus

might sound funny but it works

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Looks like a common theme. My first one Wizardry was meant to be short and only about 50k (became 100k). Oedipus was meant to be a short side project of about 50-60k and ended up over 100k as well :roll_eyes:. Basically take a number to aim for and probably double it due to scope creep if you’re not super disiplined on keeping a story focused and small, so probably better to aim small for a first game anyway :slight_smile: .


Some games though, you can see that it’s been railroaded and retconned. Stuff randomly goes off in one direction, and then another, and then another… but somehow there always seems to be a main story, or more accurately, a main direction. Then it becomes predictable - you know the story and eventually this will happen… so where’s the fun in that? compare that to the best stories from the most well-known authors - Terry Pratchett or Douglas Adams or someone like that.

With them you never know how it’s going to end. People these days write the story instead of letting the story write itself.

It is unfair. It is compared to all poets to Shakespeare then say “Now all poets suck. Poetry is dead”.

But that’s fake. Greater writers and game developers appear each few years if the market is appropriate for it. If there is only place for masterpieces and the rest of the world writers have no chance to be published then absolutely all industry would disappear and then I assure you no more Terry Pratchett’s or Tolkien if there are no publishers and not consumers.

Then not all books are made with the pretence of. be masterpieces. many are just divertiments for one day like if you have a movie ticket for a blockbuster, or having a fast meal and ice cream. That is not bad either.

Not everyone searches for the same kind of entertainment so no sense critic others for not like same