I have another error in the code that was working before I moved everything into scenes.
#"Wondering if you wanted to do something other than work out right now."
*if (Peters >= 60)
*goto PetersDate
*goto PetersChoices
#"Carry on, Peters."
"Affirmative. I'll get back to beating the locals until they understand that messing with a human isn't a wise decision."
*goto StationChoices
This is the code in question. It’s telling me that it’s illegal to fall out of a *choice statement. I’ve tried messing around with the indents. Didn’t work. Either it tells me it expected a # option or the above. It was working before when everything was in a single file as a side note.
Used C-Side. C-Side worked but quick-test is still giving me an error.
Maybe because your *goto StationChoices
has an extra indention? Align it with the “Affirmative. I’ll get back to beating the locals…”
Tried that. Quick-test gave a negatory. I was able to “fix” it (somehow) by adding *hide_reuse but I honestly don’t know WHY that’s happening. If someone can tell me why, maybe I can avoid the error in the future.
Also found another piece of code that’s doing this. Again. Except this time *hide_reuse didn’t work.
No idea what I changed. It just suddenly works.
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#"Wondering if you wanted to do something other than work out right now."
*if (Peters >= 60)
*goto PetersDate
*goto PetersChoices
#"Carry on, Peters."
"Affirmative. I'll get back to beating the locals until they understand that messing with a human isn't a wise decision."
*goto StationChoices
i have tested this code in my cside , and i found no erorr.
you can use this code in your game.
if you have still some issue, dm me.