Be careful to not confuse normal text with variables. There is no need to use your_name_x to every variable. Just leave the attribute name or something like player_strength for example, makes things much easier to fiddle around with. Since you can give the name to the stat percent bar right after it, there is no need to have a complicated or changing name for the variable at all, since this will never appear for the player.
Name: ${player_name}
percent player_leadership Leadership
percent player_dexerity Dexerity
opposed_pair player_democracy
percent player_strength strength
percent player_weapon_mastery Weapon Mastery
percent player_empathy Empathy
percent player_intelligence Intelligence
percent player_wisdom Wisdom
percent player_perception Perception
opposed_pair player_disciplined
percent player_compassion compassion
percent player_charisma Charisma
opposed_pair player_trickery
Here, I cleaned up the stat screen for you and it should be more understandable now; here is no need to have the player names in the variables. Don’t forget to make the necessary adjustments to variable names in startup.txt
When you want to display a variable, like after the player has chosen their name, you use ${}. To display the player’s name you would use: ${player_name}, or whatever other variable you wanted to between the ${VARIABLE}.
You can find more tips in coding here:
You can also find a program suited for coding in choicescript here: