Have a technical question, let’s say I’m assigining a temp or created variable openwindow.
*temp openwindow
(or *set/create openwindow in startup and variables)
*rand openwindow 1 4
*if openwindow = 1
A bird flew infront of the window
*if openwindow = 2
You seen a shiny thing at the garden
*if openwindow = 3
Rain drops moisten your hands
*if openwindow = 4
You seen your neighbour working in his yard.
So how can print openwindow results on different sections of the text besides repeating.
I want the action of openwindow repeated and do not want to copy/paste same code - to keep things neat.
I’ll use them in gosub text.
Should I think of loops with labels or another logical or simple way exist?
By the way it’s for random outcomes of sport competition actions so the example is irrelevant.
*edit note:
What I’m trying is
putting the openwindow codes under
*label openwindow
*temp openwindow
*rand openwindow 1 4
*if openwindow = 1
A bird flew infront of the window
*if openwindow = 2
You seen a shiny thing at the garden
*if openwindow = 3
Rain drops moisten your hands
*if openwindow = 4
You seen your neighbour working in his yard.
*goto anotheraction
And link them to the action of MC or SC
mexbursh leaned to the window and opened it. *goto openwindow
the issue is when you are using many many variables, it’s easy to miss a point.
Also I can only link it to another label to keep the flow but it will limit the process.
So if there is a simple way to call and print them beside linking with goto commands it will simplify code logic and writing I’ll appreciate to learn.
*label gosub1
*temp randomnumber
*rand randomnumber 1 4
*if (randomnumber=1)
Random text 1.
*elseif (randomnumber=2)
Random text 2.
*elseif (randomnumber=3)
Random text 3.
Random text 4.
And in text you could have:
A pleasant thing happened.
*gosub gosub1
And so, the pleasant thing happened.
And you could reuse the text in the subroutine anywhere it’s appropriate. You could also have a different text file to store all the subroutines so you could use the *gosub_scene command, if you’re planning on using the same text in more than one scene file.
Hi @mexbrush, please try to wrap your code in preformat tags (shift+ctrl+c) in the future, as it really helps us to see your indentation (which is crucial in ChoiceScript). I’ve edited your post above, as an example.
*label ap3moves
*if passtoken10 > 0
*goto no11
*if passtoken11 > 0
*goto no10
*label no11
${no11name} smoothly.
*if no11mability > opgkprmability
*goto goalfinish
*if no11mability < opgkprmability
${no11name} tried but missed
Good save by the keeper!
*else no11speed > opgkprspeed
*goto goalposition
*label no10
${no10name} smoothly.
*if no10mability > opgkprmability
*goto goalfinish
*comment ....
*if no10mability < opgkprmability
${no10name} tried but missed
Good save by the keeper!
*else no10speed > opgkprspeed
*goto goalposition
What I did was moving the randoms to different labels like goalfinish / goalposition.
This part is actually inside ap3move which is 3rd phase of action flow - the maturation happens if each phase randoms passes the limit I set for outcome.
For e.g. defence interception points lower than those go the ball etc.
Actually to make it consistent with story flow I decided a binary structure;
Main scene file with story based initial randoms & several results or comments consequence of random rolls consistent with the flow.
So it’s going through and back to it’s relevant gosub file - also gosub file will goto that specific scene - two way interaction.
As the story progresses the event variables has to improve so planning to have level based gosubs .( Or may be have a very systematically organized longer one - I will see depending on the need and performance stability)
So I wanted to assign randoms to each movext let say ; at the background movext random variable with it’s outcome will be able to call that random explanation and result from library(gosub or scene text etc) file.
I did some tweaking, the problem is when you have a file named gosub_2 etc you can not use gosub command so you have to go fro n back from screen to screen with goto_scene command
I tried to have a single page act for it but randoms are probably creating a mess and it simply freezes the browser.
I have dozens of randoms working for action on the event and match. (Over 1000 lines with more than half code)
So gosub and single file is not fruitull. I thought another solution will try afterwork.
Seems like I will need to do it as I did in my first writings, thinking in advance and preparing multiple use page for all events is a bit problematic - needs to go fro n back more than 12 times to story file so a repetition seems to cause problems onwards.
Repetition meaning if you have 3 games you will have to add 36 goto scene in a single file prone to mistakes on the long run .
I m green so I will appreciate seasoned ideas and comments
Solution Theory {tested partially working, WIP} : Have binary system again - instead of gosub logic It will go from and back to scene A to scene mcodes-A
I’ll copy and reuse Scene mcodes-A with different names for matcb B - matchcodes-B.txt etc.
So it will ease the system by referring to secondary file for arithmetics - do the calculations and print the result - than go back to the previous file use the randoms and go back again calculations .
So I will have the story and some randomvalues scene A and than scene mcodes-A with a lot of calculations with random
I belive when there are 50+ randoms on single scene it is crushing and freezing (If I’m not doing a mistake massively)
When I handle that I will notify from here - also be able to post my demo.