If you scroll through the CoG forum, like I do almost every day, you see so many great Ideas and projects that are currently “work-in-progress”.
If I see one I didn’t knew yet and it even has a demo I almost always click it immediatly, no matter what it is about. If it has an interesting premis, even better!
On good days I discover a great story, where even the demo get’s me so investesd that I can’t wait until the project is finished. ( I would like to think that this is what a demo is supposed to so.)
But more often than I would like that is only partially what happens.
It usually goes like this:
I see this new project on CoG, I read the exciting premis, start the demo…
And then I realize it ends not even halfway through the Charakter creation.
To me this is way worse than a demo that ends on a cliffhanger.
If in that case I always wonder why someone would post that in the first place? It doesn’t represent the game you want to creat proporly. There weren’t any real choices except maybe the gender of the MC and the reader didn’t get a good impression of whats the game going to be like.
That led me to always check how far the demo is done. If I see it has a wordcount like 3000 words or if the author writes that the prolog is halfway done, I won’t read it even If I liked the discription. I personally think that it doesn’t take much to get me invested in a story. So it’s hard to read about good WIP’s, only to find that there is a Demo but a painfully short one.
I also get the feeling that those kind of Projects tend to be left to die out there. But that could be just my perception.
Now to the thing I originally wanted to talk about. ( After an eternity of me wining about Things I probably don’t understand.)
It seems usual for a lot of authors here to have side-projects besides the main WIP.
I can imagen that it is a great commitment to actually creat a game here. I have read that it takes an average of 2 years to finish one.
But somtimes when you write a story, just get stuck. You have no ideas how to continue, no inspiration or you just kinda lost intrest in the Story you are currently writing. But as a creativ mind you have a great idea for another Story but you don’t won’t to abandon your current Work.
I imagen that this is how most of those side-projects are borne. And I belief that this ist a good way to get your creativity back to Work.
But at when get those side-projects to distracting?
I mean having an idea for a game and actually posting a demo here are to different Things. It takes a lot of afford to do so. So it kind of hurts to see someone here with like 4-5 WIP’s, all of them really good but none of them is Close to bening finished.
I think there are already so many great projects out there that seem to be left to die.
But all of that is just what I think and I would like to hear someone elses opinion on that matter.
Thank you for your Time.