How do you write?

Sorry, I should’ve clarified that a bit better - the Desktop IDE I’m using is indeed CS-IDE, it’s just the latest (in beta, not yet public release) version and a much, much improved version over the current Online IDE. However, as I understand it the Online CS-IDE will also be updated when the Desktop version goes public, and thereafter there won’t be much actual functional difference between them so you’ll be able to use whichever you prefer.

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I admire your determination.

Gotta do what you gotta do.

I write… from the heart.


Don’t we all?(20 characters bla bla bla)


I think COG writing lends itself more to planners, just because it can be so hard to go back and edit after a program has written (I find myself sometimes changing a single word - or comma - up to eight times, due to cutting and pasting instead of doing subroutines - necessary when changing pronouns or other minor but vtal differences).

hmm, well I planned my game with the thought, I want about 7 chapters. Than just wrote down the most important events with one or two lines.

So, if I take the bank robber thing as an example it would be something like this.

Short intro
Casing the bank then enter.

Chapter 1
In the bank, things going well / bad, possible wounded?
Flashback why you are doing it.

Chapter 2
Trying to get away, car, tunnel, hide with hostages

Chapter 3
Celebrate, followed by betrayal by one of your co robber.

Chapter 4
Additional problems, police have found proof, go after traitor or break in police station and destroy evidence.

Chapter 5
someone dies, perhaps you killed betrayer, partner got shot by police, you shot cop? Need to deal with that.

Chapter 6
Got the money? Did you fail, what are your plans now?

Ok, it are 6 chapters but it’s an example and it took me about 5 minutes to write / think up. But it helps me to get an overview. Furthermore, during the time that you work on it you get new ideas which you could add to those lines.
I work in words because my spelling isn’t that great.

When I got about 500 / 1000 words I code them in WordPad. I do place simple things like *choice or # in words while working there. Spacing I do in wordpad. Just use a constant tap of two spacebar, a short pause and then two again. The rhythm helps =)

Downside is that the “ and ‘ which can’t be processed properly, so need to do that again. Of course, if you use ctrl f when you are in wordpad and copy one of the wrong “ you can find them rather quickly.
One small tip, when you work in the startup file, make a *comment and then reference what part it refers to. Makes it easier with scripting later. At least if you have a lot of different options etc.

Also, you can have branching, but I would start slowly with it. First chapter just to get the story going. The earlier you start with branching, the complexer it becomes.

Ok, I have written enough for now =)

think it’s Notepad not WordPad that I use, it’s called kladblok in Dutch, so I not completely certain :smiley: