High School Revenge (WIP) (Partial Chapter 4 Release, Jun 10, 2024)

Weekly Update - January 12, 2025

Hello, revengers! Big-ish update this week!

I finished all homecoming proposals!


Kinda. I just gotta fix some things, cause 3 ROs can ask you out before you ask them, and I didn’t really write what happens if you accept or reject them. And also mess around with some of the choices, cause the ones for Cecily are a bit too cringy. But that will be quick to fix, max a day or two.

But yeah! You can ask all ROs out to homecoming and get very interesting, unique answers from each one of them! Goddamn, why did I go with 10 ROs…

Now, it’s finally time to get started on writing the end of the chapter. First thing first, I want our MC to have the chance to plan something big for homecoming, to make this a real home coming for them.

So, yeah, Vivian, Haley, Angela, and Marcus hoco-proposals have been written and finished this week. There are also new, secret stats for Angela and Marcus, which relate to their main “plot.” Angela’s will be tied in with her confidence and self-worth, and Marcus’ will be regarding his hatred for Isaac. Oo, I can’t wait to put these stats into action haha.

Also decided to go through some of the older stuff and add some things. Isaac drops a banner at the party when humiliating Olivia, I won’t give too many details ;). And also some other stuff I won’t mention here, cause this is getting kinda long.

Anyway, 2025 is off to a great start, and I’m happy to finally get closer to the end of chapter 4!

@Arrats_The_Creator Sorry, me. I didn’t mean it.

I liked the new movie, it was an interesting take to the story, which, in some ways, I kinda preferred. I’ll always recommend watching any of the movies, really, since the whole premise is so fun. I gotta watch the tv series that appeared at the same time with the movie, cause I also prefer these over movies and I can’t wait to watch around 8 hours of the Count in action haha


Just to make you aware, Dashingdon hosting will be closing soon so I would recommend moving this to cogdemos or uploading a compiled html file:


Weekly Update - January 20, 2025

Hello, revengers! Interesting week this time around, with the whole death of Dashingdon and everything.

Let’s start with that, since that’s a bit worrying for some. So, I’ve mentioned this on Tumblr, but I’ll also say this from scratch here, I own a website where I write video game guides. I thought that, since I’m already paying for servers, I could make something similar to dashingdon, but with a lot of features I already know how to implement due to my expertise in my respective field.

That’s why I’ve already done some of the groundwork and uploaded my wip there.

Here’s the link to the demo.

It’s very early days and this is more of a trial stage. Nobody else can upload right now and I’m extremely open to advise on how to make everything easier to use.

Some features I’ve already added are:

  • A save plugin with infinite, named saves. I’ve found a way to implement it without making the writers add extra script to their txt files.
  • Writers will have the ability to put up a list of the latest update to the demo right above the game, so you can quickly see any new changes to the demos
  • Comment section!
  • You can rate the games from 1 to 5 stars, and I’ll make these ratings visible on archive page where all the ifs will be listed (I already gave myself a 5 star review guys, please don’t ruin my rating :sob:)

I still haven’t figured out how to allow people to upload txt files and convert them into an optimized html file to make the thing work for everyone, but this is all still experimental. I’m also working on making password protected posts, for Patreon demos, but I think I know how to do that already and it should be pretty easy.

Now, back to what you all actually care about, the game!

So, four ROs used to be able to invite you to homecoming before you could take the lead. I’ve changed that and only 3 can do it now. I’ve also improved the way they ask you out, I’ve made repercussions for rejecting them, and special reactions if you reject or postpone and then ask them out afterward.

I’ve also started work on what comes after the proposal. I want the MC to plan a mini-reveal, if they want to. They can either torment one RO with a little thing that only they would know, kinda making it clear to the RO that they have an enemy in the shadows, or they can make a big-ish reveal where they make it clear that someone is coming after the ROs. Maybe put up CREEP on the homecoming crown or something like that. It’s still in the works.

Thanks for the continued support and please advise on how to improve the demo page with new features or fix various annoying bugs!


It worked normally for me. It would be nice to have a full screen option, since sometimes the entire page goes down when I scroll down.


@Mellohi I agree, it was annoying cause I kept sliding as well.

I added a fullscreen button (Edit: It’s not ugly anymore). Please tell me if it works properly! And thanks for the suggestion!


Wouldn’t it be easier to just have a play button below the games title that goes to a full screen? (I mean I have no experience in coding what so ever so I don’t know if that’s really hard or something) but that’s what most if not all of these hosting servings do so
(Also did you just update as I posted this or did it just suddenly start working so much better)

Hi! Thanks for coming back with an update. I just wanted to ask - is there any way to play the game in cogdemos? The raiderking website you sent is full of ads and every time I scroll down, I almost end up clicking on them. Just an inquiry on my part. You don’t have to do what I asked you to. I was just curious.


Just finished the current demo very interesting so far just thought of one thing tho have you considered making the main character have a set name and have in the decision for the set name or names (will be changeable) so the other characters could make puns or something with the name could be interesting (even tho I really like the idea that for whatever reason lucifur somehow became the 18th or whatever most used name in Canada)

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Guyyyyys, how to you ask anyone to the prom (especially Cecily & Isaac​:tired_face:), cuz every time I try it takes me to the play again screen :pensive::palms_up_together:

I don’t think any of that content is part of the public demo, at least for the time being. Seems to be the same one that was on dashingdon, that stopped getting updates until Chapter 4 would be completed.


Weekly Update - January 27, 2025

Quick, boring update this week, I haven’t written a thing, I’ve been super busy with work. Will try to get back into it this upcoming week. :sob:


Weekly Update - February 2, 2025

Interesting update at the start of this month. I’ve put up a lot of work for some rewrites to improve the earlier chapters, since I’ve recently been a bit disappointed in our MCs backstory.

So now, we got around 3k words of bullying from Isaac and Vivian, before the Tragedy, along with some extra flavor text. We also get to hear the big fight between mom and dad in Chapter 1 before the divorce, which should help some of you want to get revenge on him too. I’ve also made a change to the dads. They are now 7, not 9. I know, not a huge difference, but enough to make them more useful to the actual plot.

Now, for Chapter 2 I’ve changed mom’s speech a bit, since the events of the night of the divorce are a bit different now. We also get to change our first name, even though it’s the nth most popular name in Canada. There’s a stat to keep track of your revenge filled emotions for 1st dad, since he’s now a bigger target.

And here’s the bigger addition: a housekeeper/maid/butler! We now have a new character, Wren, a housekeeper assigned by mom to spy on MC that will also help with some of the gruntwork outside of school that isn’t completed by Angela, Marcus, or Burt. We’ll get to choose their gender and have mechanics where they will give info to mom while also helping you out if you gain their trust.

For Chapter 3 I’ve mainly just made MC to be the actual mastermind here, instead of a mess that they were here. Most of the meetings are planned by MC. Michael and gang bump into you at the entrance? All a plan! But of course, Wren was tailing them to school, reporting when you should get out from your car and face them. Talking to Connor in the hallway? All part of the plan! You pretended to be clueless to attract his attention. Cecily talks to you in homeroom? Pfah, you already knew she was in the same homeroom with you, the talk was inevitable!

I’ve also started writing the subtle revenge plans for homecoming in Chapter 4. For Dylan I’m thinking of putting in action the little statue we’ve kept from Chapter 1, if we really want to be obvious with our homecoming and you actually kept it.

Anyway, big week this week, and it will only continue this way.

Just a reminder cause I get asked this a lot, these updates are for the Patreon demo and for what I’ve actually written down. The public update will get new content once I finish Chapter 4 and I’m sure it work properly!


Alright, i guess this is now my canonical MC:


If it’s alright, I’d like to have a chance to Beatdown my targets with Fists of Vengeance (excluding the killing part of course).

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Perfect just perfect actually it’s amazing

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Help with Revenge Ideas

So, right now I’m writing the plans that the MC can choose to make his presence known and make the targets unnerved.

I was going to tell you all about it in the weekly update but I know a lot of you got ideas for revenge and subtle, petty stuff, so I would be grateful with some help if you guys got ideas.

So, here’s how I went with it: You can either choose to do 3 small things to unnerve your targets, do a big thing to announce their comeuppance, or do nothing.

For the small things, here are the ideas I came up with:

  • Dylan 1 - Make him find a copy of your favorite statue (not the original, fixed one) from childhood with its mouth broken (cause he’s a snitch, ya know?)
  • Dylan 2 - Create a fake account with your childhood nickname (added this to chapter 1 to fit) and comment on his live stream of the dance how you remember the Tragedy
  • Olivia 1 - Make the presenter who talks before the Fighting Rooster performance use the same words uttered between you and Olivia before the dance (best friends forever, sad because this is the last year together).
  • Olivia 2 - Make someone spill punch on her and mention that they heard she likes it (I don’t like this one, I feel it’s weak and would be better for Haley)
  • Michael (if crush) - Make the opposing fans jeer “Ew” every time Michael is at-bat during the homecoming game
  • Cecily (if crush) - Make the opposing fans jeer “Ew” during a ceremony where she leaves her crown from last year for the homecoming royalty successor
  • Michael and Cecily (if not crush) - Disclaimer: this one is kinda fucked up, I don’t know why I went so hardcore. Make them find a fake prosthetic head of their dog, Godfather-style
  • Vivian 1 - For the photobooth at the homecoming dance, add a filter that adds bloody broken glasses on your face (this is from the bullying content added in chapter 1)
  • Vivian 2 - Stamp “creep” on her dress
  • Isaac 1 - Stick a poster on his locker with his face and a target over it with darts stuck into it. How Isaac announced his lamb every week, MC will announce him as their target.
  • Isaac 2 - idk, kill him? Jk jk. Or am I?
  • Connor - Not sure yet. Something about him being two-faced.
  • Haley - Probably something with punch. Still thinking here as well

For the big thing I want MC to write with invisible ink “Creep” all over the walls, all creepy-like, and on the homecoming royalty crowns as well. After the homecoming king and queen announcement, power goes out and everyone sees the “threat.” It works pretty well if you’re homecoming royalty as well.

So, yeah. I wanna know if you guys have ideas for the smaller annoyances to unnerve the targets. I’ve made another poll where you can input your own ideas and I’ll see if I can work with any of them! If you had some petty cool way of scaring the targets in mind, this is your moment to shine!


For Olivia and/or Dylan, guess you could make use of the photo MC can optionally take together with them before the prom? Like, send it from the burner account, or smth.


Only small problem I have with the photo is that it makes it clear that it’s old you who did it. The statue is a big hint, but it’s not the original. Even though Dylan and Olivia would likely think old you is responsible for this, it’s not a 100% guarantee. But the photo is unique and only you have it.

Still, it’s a good idea, I’m sure I can think of a way to play around with it.


Is there a way to become more popular then all of them? I really want to replace Isaac as the bully I want to be at the top of the food chain


Whatever happens throughout the game, I’d want MC to put his/her target classmates through torturing scheme to make them feel as weak, helpless and scared as they made him/her 7 years ago.

  • Ex-friends might try to explain their reasons and apologise as much as they see fit. But I’m also a realist, and I don’t expect their attempts to sound sincere, should MC decide to hear them out.

  • The Bully doesn’t deserve a chance for redemption, unless world Apocalypse would approach and he’d have something useful to offer.

  • What do you think about the idea for a debate, whether MC would persist to chase his/her Crush had she/he rejected him/her on Day 1?