Help with my two of True/False errors

Hi! I’m new to coding stories and I have been having issues primarily with boolean variables. I thought it would be the easiest one to figure out but multiple errors keeps appearing or they simply do not work in the way that I want them to. I also checked and no one seems to have these issues.

Under a choice I created a temporary variable:

*temp fought_for_band true

And then later on, I made it so if you picked that choice earlier, you fight for the band later:

*if (fought_for_band)
*goto label
*goto label

With all the correct indents as far as I can tell and yet still no luck!

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Hey there, can you show what is the error messages that you’re getting? As well as how the variables are behaving, and how you want them to behave. A snippet of the actual code might be helpful as well.

Depending on what happens between the declaration of the variable and the actual usage, it’s possible the variable is being flushed for being a temp, which would get you an error that the variable doesn’t exist, but without more information it’s just a guess

Also the indentation don’t show in the code you’ve posted, you need to put ``` at the beginning and end of your code for it to appear properly. (Or pick the </> Preformatted text option from the menu.)

Thank you for reaching out to help! With the help of the post linked below I realised it was connected to a similar problem I was having elsewhere.

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