Hello guys, I for the love of me CANNOT see at all what’s wrong here? Everything feels right yet I still cannot see the choice! It never shows me the second option No.
*label Naming
Your name is...
*input_text name
Right. Your name is $!{name}.
*set fullname name
*goto Begin
#No. That's not my name.
*goto Naming
Is your code indented correctly? Whenever you do a *choice
you have to make sure everything is nested correctly under each other.
*set full_name ${name}
*goto begin
#That's Not My name
*goto naming
Notice that there’s only one *choice
Command, and two #, corresponding to the number of choices that you want.
PS: Please don’t copy and paste this code, as the tabbing is likely to be off and could probably mess your code up. Just remember that for each time you do a choice you tab 1, and then under the choice you tab once again. I’m bad at explaining things
Get rid of the second *choice.
Thanks you two!! I thought I had to use another *choice there, turns out I didn’t.