Help on running my game!

I am doing something similar and found it easier not to deal in fractions. You can make 30 days be 300 units and adding 1-10 units is a part of a day.
*set time + 5

and also use a gosub for the check.

*label TimeCheck
*if time >= 31
*goto ending

okay ya that sounds like a good idea :slight_smile: one more question, im leaving for canada in a couple days and will have alot of time in the car, is there any way to test run choicescript without the internet index?

Are you using a laptop in the car? You can run the index without an internet connection/WiFi.

ya ill have a laptop, how do you run it without internet explorer?

You don’t have to upload files to the web for testing. Just locate the index.html file on your hard drive and double-click it. A browser will pop up with a local version. For example, here is my link:


If for some reason your Index files doesn’t open with an internet browser (like you set it to automatically open with a text editor for some reason), right click it, select ‘Open With’ and then choose an internet browser (like Internet Explorer).

okay awesome thank you guys so much ill give that a shot! :smiley: