Heart of the Mountain [Heart's Choice WIP] - Chapter 2 now up!

The time has finally come to share some details about my upcoming Heart’s Choice game!

Overview, character introductions and link follows.


The war between the Coritan Republic and Messimera has been over for years, but as a magician you’ll never be free of your duties to your country.

With control over warmth and heat energy, you’ve been sent to a remote Messimeran outpost, where a small group of soldiers from both sides have been tasked to cooperate and guard the northernmost demilitarized zone…where your predecessor went mysteriously missing.

If anyone crosses the mountain pass or the frozen waterway, the peace treaties could fail. It’s frigid, isolated work, and monotonous until a mysterious fellow magician falls at your doorstep hiding dangerous secrets. Will you welcome your kind, or support your colleagues’ suspicions of them?

Everyone has their own agenda - and their own secrets to guard. When their goals oppose each other, who will you support and who will you stand against? Who will you keep close when your magic starts to fail, when paranoia and fear strike the outpost? A mysterious force within the mountain threatens to topple everything your country has worked for. What are you willing to lose to survive - your livelihood, your love, or your magic itself?

The low-down:

  • Heart of the Mountain is set in the same setting as Heart of Battle, 4-5 years later. All of the characters are new for this game, though backstory elements can have some familiar notes from the previous game. You won’t need to have played Heart of Battle to play this game.

  • I’m aiming for 3 or 4 chillies - some sex scenes are very explicit, and some will (at the reader’s choice) feature some intense kinky experiences.

  • As with Heart of Battle, it’s v/v. The MC can be a man (cis, trans or non-specified), woman (cis, trans or non-specified) or non-binary person (AMAB, AFAB, or not specified); the love interests are selectable between cis man/cis woman/non-binary.

  • There are four characters alongside the MC - everyone the MC interacts with is romanceable and plot relevant, and the conflict between different love interests’ goals and ambitions drives the plot.

What’s coming:

  • I’m on Chapter 6 out of 8, so I’m in the home stretch, but a combination of full-time work, childcare and ADHD means I won’t know I’m reaching the finish line until I’m basically there!

  • I’m starting with sharing Chapter 1, and will post a few more chapters as I go, but I won’t be posting all of the game. A lady has to keep some secrets for release!

Romance Options

Captain Felician Resende
GRIEVING OFFICER from the Coritan Republic

Felician’s magician best friend, the MC’s predecessor, went missing a month ago: a devastating loss Felician is still struggling to accept. With bad experiences with magic in the war, and a lingering deep distrust of magic, Felician’s trying hard to keep it out of the way of professional - or personal - relationships.

Best Felician: honorable, go-getting, enthusiastic
Worst Felician: inflexible, manic, controlling
What to say: “I agree, a five mile hike is a perfect team-building opportunity!”
What not to say: “I hope you don’t mind, I’ve made some amendments to your chore chart!”

Sergeant Eleri Katsaros

You can’t get secrets out of Eleri with a prybar, but it’s still obvious that Sergeant Katsaros bitterly regrets whatever happened during the war. So now, here’s someone committed to being kind while frozen with shame. Eleri can’t imagine being called a good person, let alone believing it.

Best Eleri: Idealistic, practical, reliable
Worst Eleri: Fatalistic, brittle, volatile
What to say: “Let’s stay up until four in the morning to do inventory. In silence.”
What not to say: “I’ll only give you your toolbox back if you can name five things you like about yourself.”

Doctor Theano Leventis

“Doctor Leventis has the potential to be a shining star of the Messimeran Army…if only Leventis could match talent with compassion”.

This, like other performance reviews, Theano has disregarded as ‘pointless sap’. There’s little point in babying other people’s emotions when there’s any number of things to do instead: music, reading, gambling, scientific analysis…you name it, Theano can do it. Unless it requires a bedside manner.

Best Theano: Creative, progressive, perceptive
Worst Theano: Bitter, destructive, dismissive
What to say: “Why would we be emotionally vulnerable with each other when we could get drunk and pass out instead?”
What not to say: “I’m sorry, but the future of the outpost relies on your ability to give me a convincing hug.”

Stelare Belmonte
FLIGHTY MAGICIAN from the Coritan Republic

Magic academy washout, army washout, an Illustrious’ magickeeper’s washout, an arena designer washout…is there anything Stelare can’t get fired from for ‘wilful disobedience and lack of adherence to basic safety’?

Stelare has telekinetic magic: the application of force to move and manipulate the world. But instead of being indispensable, Stelare has happily embraced the label of ‘massive liability’ and the freedom that comes with it. But what exactly is the plan on this remote, classified mountaintop?

At their best: Passionate, ambitious, protective
At their worst: Unpredictable, careless, vindictive
What to say: “I made you some hot chocolate, the others are so jealous!”
What not to say: “You don’t scare me…you’re just mediocre.”

  • As it’s Heart’s Choice, all of the characters do have happy endings achievable, though on some high-conflict routes, the characters can even end up as late-game antagonists.

  • Though they have different ideals around sex and romance, and different relationship boundaries, all of the characters can have sex and spicy scenes, and all of them can also be partnered with an asexual or aromantic MC.

  • There are currently some polyamorous options planned: Eleri & Felician, Stelare & Theano.

Click here to play chapter 1-2!


I’m so excited for more people to get to know your dysfunctional band of snow survivors :heart: Congratulations on posting it!


I loved Heart of Battle, and setting was really interesting. It would be cool to dive more into it!


I love heart of battle. Can’t wait for this one.


I really loved this chapter! I’m already invested in the fate of the outpost, and I’m really curious what happened to the previous mage.


Heart of Battle is one of my all-time favorite games, and high on the list of games I wish I could play again for the first time. I’ve been looking forward to this ever since you announced you were writing another Heart’s Choice game set in the same world. The story sounds amazing, and I can’t wait to get to know all these characters.


I love this! Sounds like a fantastic setting and fascinating adventure with some great characters.

Best of luck with the writing! I’ll be following along and cheering you on. :revolving_hearts:


I can’t wait to get to know these characters better! :heart:

I’m already in love with this mountain.


I always enjoy @FayI 's stories … I hope I can sample this demo this weekend


Gave it a play and I’m already liking what is there. Heart of Battle was fantastic as well so I know it’s gonna be great.

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@Twigy, @Cat-Toes, @leiatalon, @erinrae26381, I’m really glad you liked the first chapter - watch this space for more!

@BelmontShepard, @Redknight178, I’m so happy you enjoyed Heart of Battle! This one shares a lot of tonal similarities, but with a very different approach. I’m having a blast writing it.

@Eiwynn, @AletheiaKnights, thank you :face_holding_back_tears: It’s always scary coming back to the forum after a break away but you guys always make me feel so welcome.

@HarrisPS you’ve heard of found family, get ready for DYSFUNCTIONAL FORCED COLLEAGUES


I saw this a little while ago and immediately thought of Heart of the Mountain. Unfortunately, none of the characters in the game got that memo.

I think this is Fay’s best game yet. It’s atmospheric, characterful, claustrophobic, and suffused with both magic and emotions.

If you liked the forced proximity, richly detailed characters, intense feelings, steamy scenes, and occasional grittiness of Heart of Battle, you’ll like this.

If you played Heart of Battle and wanted more screentime for all the romances or more potential friction/antagonism with some romanceable characters, you’ll like this. (Depending on your choices, each romanceable character can become a lover, a friend, a colleague, or a full antagonist by the end.)

If you’re into the idea of making intense connections with stir-crazy characters in the snow (and maybe are a fan of The Terror, though there’s no cannibalism here), and using magic to fix and cause problems, you’ll like this.

There’s so much going on in this game and with the romances. Each character, their perspectives, and the interactions you have illuminate more about the setting. Conversations and interactions vary a ton based on the MC’s country of origin and their role as a magician. The characters and relationships drive everything. I love how complicated and loveable the characters are in this game: their rough edges bring them to life and they and the MC can spark so much drama while forming tight bonds under pressure.

(And the intimate scenes, while they’re not in the demo so far, are absolutely superb: I’m not exaggerating when I say they’re some of the best that I’ve played in any game - they’re very hot, there’s a ton of sensory detail, and are absolutely filled with a level of character and personality that I rarely see.)

Here’s my informal rundown of the characters and some things I like about them:

No more spoilery than the descriptions in the OP but hidden for people wanting to go in fresh!

FELICIAN is a short monarch trying their best who wants to be liked and for everyone to get along. The latter is never going to happen but they’ll try anyway. They want to look after things, and by “things” they mean the MC and the outpost but not themselves.
Disaster level: high. The full level of disastrousness is a spoiler but Felician is not good at making emotionally sensible decisions!!

ELERI is a depressed, repressed giant and if you like people you can climb like a tree they are a good match. They’re into the MC but they don’t feel they deserve good connections. Why? You’ll find out. (Out of all the characters, I’ve personally played the most of Eleri’s romance and adored it, and them.)
Disaster level: medium. Eleri is very careful not to risk anything that might mean they have something nice in their life. But things are about to shift for them.

THEANO is a spiky feral cat of a person who prefers to be independent, romantically or platonically, but perhaps there’s some emotional sincerity in there… somewhere? They’re practical, cynical, and good with a knife: hopefully you won’t be the one getting backstabbed.
Disaster level: Theano does not see any of the decisions that led them to this point as disastrous. Others would disagree.

STELARE makes me laugh and is also the wildest card of the group; you can explore magic together in ways you can’t at any other points; they’re sparky and confident (hubristic? yes), and are a very different kind of magician to any other you may have met. Maybe you’ll bond - or maybe you’ll keep your distance or fight them, knowing better than anyone how dangerous Stelare is.
Disaster level: astronomical


Well, maybe you should stick around more then! :wink:

Seriously, though, it’s always a pleasure to see you here. Even beyond how much a fan I am of your work, you’re just a really cool human being.


@HarrisPS is amazing at communicating the themes and ideas of my games! And they’re spot on for the characters as well.

I’m proud of the fact that the plot is entirely driven by the NPCs and their differing goals and responses to an external danger.

(Makes it much easier not to have a billion Factions in Secondary Stats, too…)

@AletheiaKnights AAAHHH NO U :sob:


I loved Heart of Battle to pieces and am so happy I can visit the world again. Mostly it’s because of your writing style though.
The way you write conversations and the characters makes ut feel very comfortable to me and a bit like coming home.
I already like Theano a lot and the ‘what not to say’ sections of the intro are absolutely hilarious.
Not that the ‘what to say’ parts aren’t but the other ones just hit differently.

(Admittedly, losing out on hugs would be sad though :cry:, so I will have to romance Stelare too.)


Well, regarding Theano, the hugs may not be numerous, but when they do finally admit some kind of emotional vulnerability, that hug is going to be *chefs kiss”

I’m glad the characters are vibing with you!


I’m sorry, my brain is now busy trying to figure out what kind of hug is a kiss. :sweat_smile:

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I am very drawn to the descriptions of Eleri and Theano, but I’m not sure whether it’s because I want to romance them or because I’m like a weird amalgam of the two of them.


Fortnightly Proof Of Life

One of my goals while I work on Heart of the Mountain is to not fall off the internet, and keep everyone updated on my progress!

Given it’s summer break, things have been a little slow, but I’m pleased that I’ve finished the first stage of planning Ch6: the paper draft! It was pretty rough at first, considering that, well…the meme I sent to Becky speaks for itself:

So I had to do a bunch of rearranging and juggling of events from the outline to even start!

Fairly non-spoilery image of my planning process

When I’m planning a chapter, I like to follow a pretty specific process:

Step 1: Written Plan
1 page per section or scene, with notes on what choices would be in it, but not much actual content (For instance: ‘conversation with Felician about feelings’)

Step 2: Typed Skeleton → September’s Goal
The goal is to write the code for the chapter from start to finish, adding in more detail as I go (such as what those feelings with Felician are actually about)

Step 3: Writing → September/October
Actually write the damn thing…

Bonus: Preview of the scenes in Chapter 6:


They’re color coded! That’s so cute.
I’m honestly so excited for this game to come out :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:.
Hopefully writing goes well for you and is fun.
(It’s hot where I live which always kills my will to write. So, wishing you the best writer conditions ever :blush:.)