Guardian of Time WIP (Updated February 21, 2025)

I’m glad you like her :slight_smile:

She is just lost! as @Xepheris pointed out If you turn down the emperor’s offer, he sends people to find Sam and Oren, then reports back to MC that they don’t want her anymore

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it.

Replies to @levviathan

First of all, thank you so much for the specific feedback!

Thank you! I’m glad you like the concept. I love dragons, and really wanted to write a story about them in what I hope will be a unique way. I already know 6 ROs is going to be a lot of work, but I am determined to do it.

I actually prefer it that way too! I just got intimidated by creating the list of content warnings, and didn’t know what to write as an introduction to them.

This is a great compliment! I’m glad it won you over. I’ve always known that being gender-locked would turn some people off, but It’s nice to hear what specifically made that more palatable.

lol! Yeah. I was a wander off in the middle of the grocery store myself. Also see how long I could stay hidden in the clothes racks before my mom noticed I was gone.

In one branch of chapter 2, it gets mentioned that Oren and Samira are 17 and 15, respectively. I can definitely try to make their ages clearer at the beginning though.

I made a note of your feedback, and I’ll see what I can do about this paragraph. I’m glad the balance between narration of a four year old while still being descriptive (mostly) came across well.

I don’t know how long it’s been around either. I just threw it in because it felt like something she’d say. I’ll look into it.

I’ll keep this in mind.

Honestly, after that first paragraph, I was intending for everything to be straight present tense. I’m so used to writing most of my work being in past tense that a lot of past tense verbs slipped in, especially in parts I wrote early on. Thank you for the ones you pointed out! I’ll look back over it.

It’s alright! I think that one is more of an autocorrect, but I’ll keep a close eye out for those.

Thanks for letting me know. I’ll get this fixed!


I have fixed this bug now! (Hopefully) So anyone who was having issues should be able to progress with an input name. I also fixed the reported typos.

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Gender locked?

Not for me, thanks.

Kudos for putting in the work though.

I think it’s a fantastic choice to have her as a female character. I see the protagonist as a female and I believe her gender befits her actions and motivations. Gender-locking can enhance the narrative by allowing readers to connect more deeply with (flashed-out) characters. It opens up so many possibilities! Great work!


Why didn’t I hear about this awesome story yet?! I always love female locked stories. I read a bit already and its very cute. Good luck on your writing journey! :slight_smile:


Someone sent me an ask on my Tumblr for more information about the different races that exist in my world, and I thought I’d link it here in case anyone else is curious.

@HarleyQueen I’m glad you are enjoying the story so far.

@comni Thank you for the compliment.

Just because I’m curious. For people who played the update, which member of the imperial family found you in the woods?
  • Princess Aksinya
  • Crown Prince Lukyan
  • Prince Tzesar
  • Emperor Konstantin
  • Did multiple playthrough with more than one result
0 voters

I quite enjoyed this, but I really hope you’re not just abandoned by your ‘friends’ like that. I hope it’s just the Emperor being a manipulative slime, cause it left a pretty bad taste in my mouth. If a child character is as attached to her guardians as ours is, at least the way I played mine, then there’s no way she’ll just move on :frowning:


I don’t know about that. They may not see it as abandoning you, they may see it as giving you the best chance possible for a life where you don’t have to steal, freeze and starve. The best possible chance at getting you the kind of life they can only dream of but never attain. Yes, it seems cruel, but their intention is to save you from becoming them. Oren is clearly all bravado there, no one really says something like that otherwise; and Sam was a sobbing mess. No doubt those talking to them knew exactly what was going on, and why they were willing to turn you over to the royal household. I think they may be counting on your improved circumstances, including the educational opportunities as much as the physical comforts, to blunt that pain and encourage you to move on.


author do suggest it’s not like what it seem there will be a chance to meet them again later for clarification

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I find it very weird to have all this story with you as a child being cared for by them, only to have them ditch you off-screen. Do they just take it on faith that the Emperor adopts a random orphan out of the goodness of his heart, after they discover she is bonded to a magical being? Like I said, if it’s a ploy by the Emperor it makes sense, I certainly don’t believe he has any good intentions. Even if it is the case that they truly believe it would be better for you, it seems very cruel not to at the very least give the child the chance to say goodbye - or arrange for you to be able to see them on occasion.

If it’s not the author’s intent for us to care that much about the relationship between the three, I think they failed. Or… succeeded oppositely, I guess…


We do have to make some assumptions about what they were told. They might believe PC is being given a service position in the household, not that they’re being adopted into a noble family. It would not be so far beyond belief that one of the children had taken a liking and you were being brought in as something between a maid in training and a pet.


Yes, got to take the King’s words with a grain of salt or even if it’s true that Oren and Sam said those words I think it’s because they want a better life for MC. Remember the lengths Oren and Sam were willing to go through to cure MC’s nightmares… if Oren really doesn’t care so much about MC he wouldn’t even consider to do that and he wouldn’t keep MC for so long, same with Sam :smiling_face_with_tear:

And come on, Leech is a cute nickname!


Well, I named my MC “Hirudinea”.
Because I can.


Monthly Update October 2024

I’m trying to get back to doing these regularly. This past month, I updated the demo for Guardian of Time with chapter 2 as well as a couple of tweaks to chapter 1. Since the demo has come out, I have focusing on fixing up the stats screen. I’ve now included an explanation of the stats, changes the relationship stats to be descriptive rather than numeric, and I’ve started developing a codex. All of these changes will be released when chapter 3 is completed. Speaking of chapter 3, I also revised my outline a bit, and started working on the chapter’s opening.

Moving forward, chapter 3 will be my main focus this month, working on the codex on and off as lore becomes relevant to the game. My secondary goal, if I can find time, is to add a map to be included in the codex, the forum intro post, and on Tumblr. As always, if you have questions feel free to ask.

Also, I have been keeping an eye on all of the commentary regarding Sam, Oren and the emperor. I’m really enjoying the discussion, and hearing everyone’s perspective. For now, I would like to keep it ambiguous what everyone’s motivations are, but I have been paying attention.

This is hilarious! I love it. :rofl:


Eventually we get to the only big room where a large group of kids between eight and fourteen in various stages of dress.


Tark, a blue-eyed halfling, grins at us, and blows me a kiss with a wink. “You’re wish is my command M’Lady.”


Oren looseness up just enough for me to tell that Pavel had an effect on him, but not enough to really make a difference.


“I think you’re a little to young to be coming in here,” he says.


“I’m so sorry we drug you into this!”


“Back to the manner Your Majesty. It is well defended, and it will be easy for His Majesty and the others to regroup with us. Is this course of action acceptable?”


"Our plan is this, Lord Igor’s sister and her child have recently departed from this world, so we would like to claim that you are his niece and have him adopt you. Then after you have been introduced to the court as his ward, I will announce a betrothal between you and my eldest son, Lukyan. Once you both reach adulthood, you will be wed, and upon your wedding you shall be my daughter.

Should be a daughter in law?

You have unknown skin with an unknown unknown body, unknown unknown hair, and unknown eyes.

This looks very ugly. You should hide it until the player has been able to select these options. (Come to think of it, was there ever an option to pick these?)


@ChanceOfFire Thank you for catching all of those typos! I’ll fix them before the next update.

Going by the literal definition of the words, yes, but I’m going to leave this one as it because I think this is the way he would say it.

Not yet. I’m including the appearance customization in chapter 3. I can hide it in the stats screen though, that should be an easy fix.


Monthly Update: November 2024

Hello everyone. It’s the first day of November, so I’m here with another monthly update.

So October was a bit of a rough month. Due to some unforeseen circumstances, I lost about a week and a half of writing time which put me severely behind schedule. I managed to make up for it some in the second half of the month, but I still wasn’t able to get as much done this month as I hoped.

The writing that I did get done was almost all for chapter 3. I would estimate that I am somewhere between a third and a quarter of the way through the chapter. Word countwise I added 22,000 words which brings the total wordcount of the project up to 119,000 (21,000, and 112,000 without code). I’m actually surprised the total project is that big, and it made me feel better about being a bit behind this month.

My plans for November are to keep focusing on Chapter 3, and see if I can finally get a map made up. I also decided that I am going to move forward with setting up a Patreon, which I hope to have by the end of the year. The end of this month is thee American holiday of Thanksgiving, so I’ll probably take a couple days off around then, but otherwise I should have a pretty steady writing month.

Hope everyone has a wonderful November, and as always, let me know if you have any questions! :blush:


I will support you! I love your story and enjoy that its female only! Super well written too! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thank you so much this comment made my day! :smiley: