Here’s a thread for offering or requesting feedback on WIPs. Please use the following templates when making your post. They’re based on some that Eiwynn made for a previous thread; let me know if there’s anything that would be useful to add or tweak.
- Username:
- Name of Project/Game:
- Genre:
- Timeframe in which you need (or would prefer) feedback:
- Type of feedback that you are seeking (eg characters, pacing, worldbuilding, stats, choices, spelling/grammar):
- Any content notes/warnings that readers should be aware of before starting (eg explicit content, gore, etc):
- Link to the WiP thread, or other means of direct contact. Be sure to indicate if DMing is allowed:
- Username:
- Genres/tags that interest you as a reader:
- Hard passes. Things that mean you will not play a game (eg: gender-lock, extreme horror)
- Time commitment:
- Specific qualifications that would help authors (eg: you use a screen reader):
- Any contact info the author can use to connect to you. Be sure to indicate whether DMing is allowed or not: