*fake_choice and *gosub

I was messing about with *fake_choices. I included a *gosub in the middle of each disparate section under my fake_choice options (if that makes any sense), because I had one repeating paragraph but wanted to add a few flavour paragraphs on either side.

Quicktest ran happily and didn’t report any falling out errors, but randomtest gave the “illegal to fall out of a *choice statement” though I was using fake choice.

I wasn’t sure if it was a bug, or an aspect of randomtest, or if I just shouldn’t use *gosub around *fake_choice.

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I vaguely remember somebody on the forums saying that when they decided that their *fake_choice would work better as a *choice, they just added code under it and treated it as a *choice and randomtest accepted it.

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Use *choice when using *gosub

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At the end of each disparate part, after *gosub, place a *goto. Although I haven’t really done much with *gosub, I have done a lot with *fake_choice (to the point where I don’t use *choice at all)… quicktest will give a fall-out if there are sub-choices in the fake choice, but this can be cleared by adding *goto after each body of choices on that line. (hopefully this too makes sense)

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*fake_choice and *choice should work but whichever you use will require a *goto at the end of the dialogue.

Are you gosubing to another response or is the repeated section outside of the choice?

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Thanks, all!

I did change the *fake_choice to *choice straightaway, so I could test without crashing With my simplistic coding abilities, I always try to use *choice when I need to use *goto anyway, just to keep things clear for myself.

I was just curious as to whether it was intentionally designed so that *fake_choice and *go_sub don’t get along, or whether it was a randomtest-related problem. I’ve discovered a few issues where I have to code a certain way so that randomtest runs properly - like using

*if (perspective > 60)
  You perceive!
  *goto foresight
  *goto noforesightforyou

Instead of using:

*if (perspective > 60)
  You perceive!
  *goto foresight
*if (perspective <= 60)
  *goto noforesightforyou

It took me rather a while to figure out why the second version was breaking randomtest, especially since the passage in question was pretty complex . . . It occurred to me eventually that I had read in the wiki about the glories of *else, and that this was probably one reason why.

This time around, I was able to fix it right away by substituting *choice and *goto, but I was curious as to whether it was an intentional design or just part of randomtest being what it is, and why so.

@Kelvin That’s an interesting thought. I put the repeated section at the very bottom, underneath the final *goto_scene, like I do with all subroutines so it won’t muddy up any of the other code. Would that make a difference?

Your randomtest seems outdated? Mine works just fine on something like the second example- except instead of (perspective <= 60) I’d code (perspective < 61).

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Possibly? I’m using @CJW’s beta CSIDE, and I thought the current build had the latest version.

In this case, try just pulling your code out, and pushing it into a fresh copy of CS. (I also recommend using the .bat version of testing if you can.) See if either of those change what you’re getting back.

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That second snippet works fine on the Windows version, are you sure it’s not something else that’s causing a problem? I think it’s the latest, but even if it’s not, I can’t see that there’s been any recent changes that would cause such behaviour.

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Thanks! I’ll play with it a bit once I’ve finished with this current update.

@CJW Any thoughts about *fake_choice and *gosub? Is that a bad combination generally?

I actually rarely use the standard *choice command myself because more often than not when I write a choice I’m changing variable values, not redirecting players explicity, so I dislike that you’d have to have a load of redundant *goto after_this_choice labels.
*gosub makes both *fake_choice and *choice much more readable than it would if you crammed in 5, 10 or however many lines you like needed under each of the choice options.