Thanks for all the replies, everyone. Eiwynn, I will definitely be using those links; this is my first time coding anything. In fact, the idea to try doing a CoG/HG title grew out of a discussion on another forum where I was discussing how hard it might be to hook up with some programmers to help me make this SRPG notion I cooked up last year, and when I mentioned I might just try to learn some stuff on my own someone pointed me to y’all. I was vaguely familiar from having seen titles like Lost Heir and Choice of Deathless pop up in the Top RPG area of iTunes from time to time, and thought it sounded intriguing. I bought or downloaded free demos of a bunch of titles and started seeing what the lay of the land was, and came up with an idea.
As for romance, that’s good to hear. I just feel like anything I try to do may come off stilted. There will be some in-depth relationships, though I do not know if there will be an actual meter for them or not the way some games I have seen had. Choices will impact them, though. And I’m thinking of having characters who travel with you be able to do some challenges for you using their stats (which would be preset, unlike yours) so even if you didn’t max a certain way, you’d still be able to take those options. And make it both a pragmatic and personal choice on who you favored. No sense overstating things that are just out in the ether yet, though.
Jacic, backgrounds would be at least somewhat set, but choices won’t be too rigid. There are a few railroad moments in the plot for necessity, such as the fact that the two meet in the first place. But even those can go different ways. They’re going to fight when they first meet, but who wins is unknown (and won’t necessarily be the one controlled by the player).
I think I might go with Eiwynn’s notion, Toxic, and make both characters ungendered to start and give a choice. It is why we’re all here, after all. And part of why I asked in the first place is that I read what I had so far and realized I had actually used virtually nothing, from pronouns to descriptions, that locked either one into their gender. The story is inspired by a webcomic I wrote ten years ago, and I guess I need to stop thinking of them as set people and let them up to be whatever the player makes them. I’d already let go of the notion of one being stronger or smarter than the other when I created stats for those and gave the player a chance to max them for both characters. Might as well let go of the gender notion too.
Lizzy, I am sorry, but I don’t think I’d be comfortable doing that. I am a Christian, and while I think the fundamentalists who shout about homosexuals being evil are a crock (and are the single most damaging thing for our faith in modern times; we are never less Christ-like than when we pass up an opportunity to show kindness and start chucking stones instead), I do know I don’t have a comfort level with the subject that would allow me to write about it with proper authenticity. And I’m not into cookie-cutter RO that just swap pronouns, it just feels a touch disingenuous. One lesbian ex-girlfriend (long story) does not a worldly fellow create. One more reason to avoid romance; I have no desire to make people feel marginalized or unhappy to be stuck in a male/female relationship when that isn’t their cup of tea, and I also don’t want to write something that leaves me feeling similarly awkward. Might as well keep things truly equal and cancel the booty calls for everyone. For now, at least. Were it ever to catch on enough for more installments, would have to revisit relationships at that time.
Thanks for all this, y’all. Good stuff to think about, even if I probably should have been writing story instead of replies, ha ha. Only seven months to go, after all. And I anticipate needing a buttload of that time for fixing my inevitable rookie code mistakes.