Hey I don’t know if it’s just me but this sentence just doesn’t read right like it’s kinda confusing and breaks the flow. Its when we find symbifriends in the victim’s office
And this feels a bit uncanonical considering that u wrote in the earlier chapters of how a car can have a interactive display on the windshield and of how people wear orange glasses on their eyes and many other things so it must be possible to have devices that could project 3d images.
Hmm, I’ll make a note of it. Not entirely sure what the problem is with that thing out of context, but perhaps it’s more weird in the context itself. What about it is confusing or breaks the flow? Would be nice to have a suggestion as to how to change it. But then, I suppose if it’s confusing it’ll be hard to suggest if you don’t know what I’m trying to communicate.
Edit: On thinking about it a bit, I think I get the problem. I’m trying to say that there are six “legs”/grabbers on either side, so 12 in total, in sets of 3 per set. So, 3 sets on one side, then 3 on the opposite side, then a space, then the same again. I’ll write it in a more sensible way once I re-edit.
Excellent point! If you catch any more inconsistencies on the setting or other things, I’d love to hear them. These things are one of the most important reasons why I intend to re-edit the game, to make sure there aren’t any uncanonical parts as you put it. It’s easy for these things to slip in for “unimportant” stuff, since I’ve been working on this for 4 years, so one tends to forget the details and make them up again.
Yes that is exactly what the problem is with the first one. It is very confusing due to how it’s worded and it’ll be great if u rewrite as u say u will. And I will be sure to inform you of other inconsistencies in the setting and the story if I see one.
No update today.
Deadline for current update: Complete Stillwater one night stand: When it’s done next week(explicit stuff included)
Deadline for the rest in this segment: Mouse and Carrington late September.
It continues.
Awesome. It’ll save me a lot of time if other people are keeping an eye on inconsistencies and reporting them since I won’t have to go through in detail and making notes of each piece of information. It’s quite different when you’re the author and have changed your mind on everything once or twice, versus a fresh reader who has no knowledge about the setting. What you see is fact, what I think is fact may just be wrong or out of date.
I really should’ve made a master file of setting facts at the start and written all the details there about technology, society, etc. As it is, I’m only working on broad rules so it means minor details may change(like the phone-projector stuff) if I don’t remember having mentioned them before.
The funny part is that I’m the sort of person that, as a reader, I’ll complain about every minor inconsistency since it’s really important to me for anything to make sense. And yet as a writer, I haven’t exactly detailed everything from the get-go and kept with it, but instead changed things as I go. But the re-edit should fix all of that, I hope. And for my next project, I’ll definitely make a master file that details this sort of stuff to the tiniest bits.
Also, catching story inconsistencies is extra important, since they’re pretty much all that matters in an investigation plot like this. Those are far easier for me to keep track of, but I can still be blind on some things since I KNOW what the facts are, but that doesn’t mean I’ve actually written everything as I should so that the reader understands them the same way.
Yah uve actually spread all ur facts as comments here and there. If anyone wants to understand how ure writing a subplot they can read the comments near that subplot and get a pretty good idea of wht ure doing. But as I said they are spread here and there and are not cohesive sometimes.
No update today.
Deadline for current update: Complete Stillwater one night stand: When it’s done this week(explicit stuff included)
Deadline for the rest in this segment: Mouse and Carrington late September.
Not yet.
Yeah. Not terribly organized on the grand scale of things.
For sure I won’t be making anything this complex(at least in the same kind of way) in the future. Way too much to keep in mind and take into account for everything story related.
No update today.
Deadline for current update: Complete Stillwater one night stand: When it’s done this week(explicit stuff included)
Deadline for the rest in this segment: Mouse and Carrington late September.
It continues.
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Deadline for current update: Complete Stillwater one night stand: When it’s done this week(explicit stuff included)
Deadline for the rest in this segment: Mouse and Carrington late September.
Not yet.
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Deadline for current update: Complete Stillwater one night stand: When it’s done this week(explicit stuff included)
Deadline for the rest in this segment: Mouse and Carrington late September.
It continues.
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Deadline for current update: Complete Stillwater one night stand: When it’s done this week(explicit stuff included)
Deadline for the rest in this segment: Mouse and Carrington late September.
Not yet.
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Deadline for current update: Complete Stillwater one night stand: When it’s done next week(explicit stuff included)
Deadline for the rest in this segment: Mouse and Carrington late September.
Not tomorrow.
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Deadline for current update: Complete Stillwater one night stand: When it’s done next week(explicit stuff included)
Deadline for the rest in this segment: Mouse and Carrington late September.
It continues.
This mans enhanced meat needs a lot of time. It is understandable.
Well, it’s more about me failing to uphold a good work routine than it being perfect or anything.
If I could work, say, 3 hours a day, every day, every month, it would’ve been done before summer. Problem is, I’m lucky if I get 3 hours a week since my work routine gets broken so easily and it’s so hard to get back up. (well, maybe not 3 hours but you get the idea )
That said, yes, it’s needed far more time than I originally envisioned. I just hope it’s been worth it. I constantly worry that I’ve spent the time on the wrong things and the stuff I’ve cooked up will be a disappointment(due to how well the Mari stuff was received I feel that people will have massive expectations but I’m not so certain I can deliver). Which naturally lead to more delays, etc.
Anyway, it’ll be done eventually.
Even if my profile is new, I’ve been following this story ever since you first posted its details on this forum a few years back. Even if this is the fourth year of development, this story is one of my most anticipated WIPs and I still wait patiently for the day it’s finally in a finished state. Please don’t give up, no matter how hard it seems to be.
No update today.
Deadline for current update: Complete Stillwater one night stand: When it’s done this week(explicit stuff included)
Deadline for the rest in this segment: Mouse and Carrington late September.
Not yet.
Thanks. It means a lot to me.
Me giving up shouldn’t be any real concern. Sure, development is very slow at times, but giving up? Not going to happen, unless it’s some unexpected outside factor(like choiceofgames going bankrupt entirely ).
I’ve been working on this for years already, and the reception has been very good, which means tossing it all in the trash would be very dumb. Unfortunately the fact is that I have very poor “work management skills”, which means that the practical motivation I have to work is difficult to find and easy to lose. And that sort of practical daily motivation is a much bigger factor on whether I put in work or not, than the “long term motivation” of me wanting to make Cyberpolice.
Really, the only real way to make sure I’d work vigorously would be if there was someone looming behind me every day and expecting results. Although you, my readers, are very much looking forward to me making it, it doesn’t hold the same psychological effect since you’re much more abstract than someone I can see every day and who speaks to me.
Of course, the given segment I’m working on has a big impact on my work-motivation too. If it’s easy and effortless, working is much easier than if I have constantly learn something or double check things or think on the details or have too much “it has to be good” pressure.
In short, I’m not great at forcing myself to do things that aren’t enjoyable(and I’m the sort of person that loves thinking on the story much, much more than actually writing it).
Could be having a brain fart, but is there any world building lore surrounding New Terminus? Is just a nerd/geeky question I have cuz I love this futuristic setting.
No update today.
Deadline for current update: Complete Stillwater one night stand: When it’s done this week(explicit stuff included)
Deadline for the rest in this segment: Mouse and Carrington late September.
It continues.
Depends on what you mean. If you switch to the “Show stats” screen during game, you can read on some stuff on the city and its history and the way the city is segmented and operates(although it’s not terribly readable since it’s in huge chunks. There’ll be more things to read before the game is done, but they’re not a priority at the moment so it might take a while).
Occasionally there’s snippets of information to be seen during the game, usually when you visit a new area(government district, corporate district, etc).
There’s also going to be a bunch of information in the upcoming update, if you choose a certain path. Although, to be honest, I should probably give that information in other paths too. We’ll see.
But if you mean something else, then you’ll have to be more specific with what you mean. “World building lore” is a pretty vague term that could mean a bunch of things, after all.
Also, thanks for the compliment about the setting.
No update today.
Deadline for current update: Complete Stillwater one night stand: When it’s done this week(explicit stuff included)
Deadline for the rest in this segment: Mouse and Carrington late September.
Not yet.
No update today.
Deadline for current update: Complete Stillwater one night stand: When it’s done this week(explicit stuff included)
Deadline for the rest in this segment: Mouse and Carrington late September.
It continues.