Cyberpolice (Minor Update: 9th of November 2024) (WIP)

No update today.

Deadline for current update: Improvements on the Stillwater segment - This week hopefully
Deadline for the rest in this segment: Mouse and Carrington ??? Probably January.

Unfortunately I completely misjudged many a thing, including my free time. I’ll have to finish it while I’m on my break. Hopefully I can upload it without problems once it’s ready, and I’m set up properly on my destination. Absolute worst case scenario is that it’ll have to wait until I’m back. Last post before I leave will be tomorrow.

Apologies. I guess I already know my New Year’s Resolution for next year. No delays, better workflow, motivation, etc.


No update today.

Deadline for current update: Improvements on the Stillwater segment - This year
Deadline for the rest in this segment: Mouse and Carrington ??? Probably January.

Alright. I’ll be officially back on the 12th or 13th of January.

However, before that I’ll be posting the update at some point. Likely not before Christmas is over, since my schedule isn’t entirely under my control until then(and being overly optimistic with my estimates has been a huge problem for me in the past, so let’s try to be more realistic this time).

Almost certainly this year, though(unless it’s impossible for me to upload the update from where I’ll be at the time(or file issues since I’m doing the final changes on a mac rather than a PC)).

In any case, the next time I’ll be posting will be the update, so see you then.

Thanks for all the support this year, especially the last half a year. Hasn’t been the easiest, but next year should be much easier since I’ll return to not only more familiar stuff, but also lighter stuff in general(no big meta scenes, etc, just regular good old simple scenes).


Sorry if this has been asked before, but is there a hidden jealousy stat in the game or not? :face_with_peeking_eye:


Officially back now!

Gave a lot of thought to many things while I was on my break(in addition to writing a bunch).

Among other things, I came to the conclusion that my daily posts will have to change to a weekly one instead(They give me anxiety at times, even if they also give me a drive to continue. The weekly post will hopefully give far less anxiety, but enough drive that it’s fine).

Thus, from now on, I’ll be posting a weekly post on Saturday rather than the daily posts that have been a long tradition until now. I’ll also include a more detailed view on what I’ve done for each upcoming update, and what’s predicted to be left(for instance, number of words written for the update, and how many I think I’ll need for it to be complete).

And, if I can help myself, I’ll also never state a deadline date either. The word count(along with predicted word count needed to be ready) for each update will serve that purpose, and will for sure be far more accurate than my always-wrong deadline estimates. :stuck_out_tongue:

Unsurprisingly I’ll have a busy week ahead of me now that I’m back, so I’ll be posting the “improvements to the Stillwater one night stand” update on Saturday. (posting it during my break wasn’t comfortable for a bunch of reasons. So much for my promise to post it with the next post I made. :sweat_smile: Also, Mouse/Carrington scene isn’t ready yet)

Anyway, I plan to get a lot more done this year than the last two or so years. Not exactly a hard goal given how little progress has been made “recently”. :grin:

No, but I suppose one could be added if there was demand for it. However, I’m not exactly great at writing that sort of content, so it probably wouldn’t be all that interesting(and might be more work than you’d think for someone like me). I’ll put it in my “great list of stuff that COULD be added as I re-edit the game”.


Hi @Tiavals!

Just giving you a heads’ up that the server that supports Dashingdon will be shut down by the end of January.

You’ll want to migrate any and all demos for your WiP to the new hosting service. The support thread for is here and it’s run by a user named EvilChani.

Please spread the word to other WiP authors if you can!


Thanks! Good to know, will migrate it by Saturday if I can. (or more likely, have both versions be up for the time being)

I believe that will mean that everyone’s saves will be also gone.

I’ll see if I can make the skipping(and upcoming cheating) system good enough that it’ll cover most bases.(impossible for it to be identical/perfect in practice due to all the different variables that are checked, but I’ll be sure the main choices can be adjusted)


Turns out I’m really busy this weekend due to “coming back after long break” type of business, so update will have to be next week since I want to be free and available when I post it. (in retrospect, it’s hardly a surprise)

Sorry. This will truly be the last delay to the update. :stuck_out_tongue:

(also, this post counts as this weeks “official” post)


Wow! Thank you for answering and even deciding to add this idea into you list. It would be very interesting to see how SW experiences completely unfamiliar feelings and tries to understand them.

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No update this week.

Things didn’t pan out, nor will they tomorrow. Shouldn’t have said anything. :unamused:

Unfortunately that means I won’t get to upload the update before Dashingdon closes. As such, I’ve migrated the current Dashingdon version to CogDemos. This means no previous saves, but there’s nothing I can do about it(as far as I know). (link in the first post. If there’re any bugs, be sure to tell me)

Hopefully next weekend will be better for uploading the update. I know it may seem absurd that I want a day free of other duties or worries for posting the update, but it’s important for my mental state. :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t get your hopes up, the list is very long and this isn’t a top priority due to how difficult it may be for me to implement writing-wise. :sweat_smile:


No update this week.

Right, so no “Stillwater improvements” update today or tomorrow either. Eventually I’ll find the right day. :stuck_out_tongue:

That said, the Carrington/Mouse stuff is going along well enough, so I might as well put the word count idea to use that I’ve been intending to.

Originally I thought to pair it with the current update, but since that’s been going “not as planned”, I’ll just post it now. (of course, the word counter will be useless in this kind of situation where it’s more based on my circumstances than the completeness of the update :smiley: (normally very rare, but worryingly more and more common for the last several updates. I blame the unfamiliar subject matter :innocent:)).

Carrington/Mouse one night stand progress:

Mouse party part: 9,000 / 15,000
Carrington party part: 8,000 / 15,000
Shared party part: 2,000 / 15,000

Mouse explicit/non-party part: 4,000 / 15,000
Carrington explicit/non-party part: 8,000 / 15,000
Shared explicit/non-party part: 0 / 15,000

tl;dr: Goal number is only partially accurate, updates won’t be released the moment the first number reaches the latter. Progress can range from 0 to 40,000 words a week depending on circumstances.

First number is rounded up number of words written(unpolished), after the / is the predicted/estimated number I’ll be writing for the update. This means the end result can be higher or lower than the latter number, since it’s just a guess. (additionally I won’t count the “planned and semi-written” parts here, just the mostly-finished parts, since I often scrap the planned stuff entirely if I can’t get it to work the way I want)

Also, progress is rarely linear, meaning there may be weeks when I get tens of thousands of words done, or weeks when I get zero words done. I’m almost always inconsistent with the amount I manage to put out, since it depends on not only my free time, but also the part I’m currently working on and how much I know about it, whether I can turn planned stuff into actual “finished” parts, etc.

Anyway, hopefully this’ll give a better idea of where I am regarding each update, even if it’s not particularly reliable. It should at the very least eliminate a fair deal of my pointless optimism/delusion on how much I think I can get done that has lead to my always wrong deadlines. (which is exactly why I don’t count the planned stuff, since that’s often where my error lies. It always seems so simple to convert that stuff into a finished product, when it rarely is. The annoying part is that even though I’m aware of it, I always make the same mistake :stuck_out_tongue: )


Hey in ch 1 there are a bunch of options which ends the game when I press them. Please fix it.

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I’d love to fix whatever is wrong, but I can’t find any problems despite going through the first 100 or so choices twice. (stopped where you go into the corporation)

Would be extremely helpful to have some idea where these options are. What scene, what options, etc. I’m not entirely sure what you mean by “ch 1”, since there’s no official segmentation to chapters. The very first things you see on screen, or after “character creation”?

It’s for sure due to the recent change to Cogdemos, but I have no idea what might be the problem.


*Naturally it’s the Nexus of Neo-terminous. Most things come in and go out pass through here"

Along with 3 options

This is the point where I can’t progress any further, the same glitch happened to me in previous interactions too(1 or 2 interactions) but I just chose a different option and progressed througg the game. But I can’t progress any further now cause whatever I click leads me directly to the end screen.

Also you’re right, I was playing the game in dashingdon in December and it was fine, nothing like this happened.

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Just replayed the game upto the point and it turns out that there is actually a way to progress further if I made a different choice before this one so ya I progressed :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:

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That’s very strange. It works normally for me.

However, I do have a clue as to what might be wrong. It’s the only choice with a “layered” choice within it. That shouldn’t be a problem, and isn’t for me, and never was on the dashingdon version either.

But that’s the only thing I can think of.

The problem is that they’re extremely common throughout the game, which makes fixing them practically impossible. Very commonly used in dialogue.

I’d like to hear if other people have this problem(or if you have it in other games).

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Unfortunately you’ll almost certainly run into the problem again, IF it’s caused by what I explained. If it’s something else, then I really have no clue what’s the problem, since the coding looks fine to me and works the way it should.

If you run into it again, please tell me where you do with as much detail as possible, so I can compare the situation to this one.

PS It’s really weird that it isn’t a problem for me. Are you using mobile or a computer browser to play it?

PS2 Also, if you remember, does it dump you into the end screen immediately, or is there ANY text in the same screen, like a line of dialogue or description? That choice is very close to the “file end” code, but that shouldn’t be causing this(although, it’s possible that it is for some weird reason).

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I ran into another dead end with Fatima’s interrogation in ch 1 or 2. As to answer your questions,

  1. Mobile
  2. dialogue, it seems like a completely normal screen I’d get while playing the game. The only difference is that the game ends instead of the choice.
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I’ve always go for Stillwater romance route, and is only recently trying for Carrington and I physically deflate when it seems Carrington has a crush for Mouse? What with her secret nickname being Cat and how she acts all tsundere when MC tease her about Mouse. I thought their dynamic was like a brother and sister thing. Reading that scene feels like stubbing a toe, especially when MC is trying to romance Car :confused:

On to another matter that’s been bugging me for a while but…

…does Stillwater has brain-eating amoeba? Heheh

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Hmmh, that’s so strange. It works fine on my own mobile(Iphone, Safari browser). Can you try another browser and see if that helps?

Also, if anyone else has the same problem it’d be great to know.

(I’ll ask about it in the Cogdemos support thread too)

Ah, the Carrington-Mouse stuff is originally from the time when I hadn’t yet changed my mind about including romance into the game, so it’s written more from a “spectator” point of view than a player point of view. I’ll be making changes to how it plays out once I re-edit that stuff.

Not entirely sure whether I’ll just rewrite the most “offensive” lines, or segment it away so that if you’re pursuing Carrington(or Mouse) you won’t see them, but if you aren’t, they’re shown normally. We’ll see. I’ll for sure change them somewhat, though. No guarantees it’ll make it any better, of course. :stuck_out_tongue:

(would be great to have opinions and suggestions as to how to change it, since I have little experience in writing romance. Preferably I’d keep what’s there, and add player-based interactions on top of it, but if I have to take them away entirely I guess I can do that too, I’m not particularly attached to that stuff).

Also, the reason why it’s a bit ambiguous as to their relationship is because I had originally planned it to be a “shipping” type of thing where the player can influence the outcomes of who various characters might end up with.



It’s an abandoned exploration meme! The name Stillwater though very cool has many comedic potential (that’s part of the charm) :laughing:

For the Car and Mouse one I think not much needs to be changed, just rid of Car’s flustering to her usual bantery gig with Mouse. Sorry for the awkward explanation I’m not good with words. It can also be if we’re not romancing either Carrington or Mouse we can play match-maker for those two but that would just add more stuff on top of the romance route. Take it easy and play to your strengths. Aight, peace out and good luck on the writing, you’re already on a better track than most :v:

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