Sorry to be a pest. This still isn’t working with me. I added the line saveplugin to the web file and changed the index file in the game folder.
I couldn’t download the new util.js, but copied all the raw code over the existing code. When I compile the game using CSIDE, the save feature does not appear in the top bar. Please help. 2 days left. Stressed. @autumnchen@CJW
Edit: Update: I figured it out. Thanks everyone for your help.
I downloaded a fresh copy of ChoiceScript, Node, and redid all the steps. Then it worked, via comple.html, not from the CSIDE export.
It is a choice between the images and the save feature. I guess I can live without the images, but I need to get the Dark Pack Logo in there. I guess I could include it as a screenshot on the game page?
Why can’t you just add the images and html file into a zip file before uploading it to That’s how it works with other html-based games.
By the way, when uploading the game to as a zip, the compiled html file (produced by compile.html) should be renamed index.html in the zip, to have an online-playable game.
Only because I don’t know how. Clueless writer by trade. And pressed for time. 70k words left to edit in 2days. But my game page is coming together nicely.
I’m so thankful for your help. I used @CJW 's CSIDE to write the whole thing, @Jacic 's Itch instructions, and @autumnchen 's save plugin. If I win, I’m going to give you guys whichever of the prize books and Steam keys you want! I think I could win–I can’t spell “PC,” but I’ve been writing for years and have been winning a lot of stuff recently. So maybe I’ve found my stride? Anyway, so much gratitude on this end.
Ugh. I only changed the name of one of the horses because someone said “Gypsy” could be taken as a racial slur. Now the game doesn’t work after the recompile. It says it’s been updated and continually restarts the chapter when I hit “Next”. What do I do? Now it’s not functional and it’s due.
Tried that. In the end, I had to download Node, ChoiceScript, the save plugin, change the index file, and swap the util.js file on a different computer. Ulcers!
Well, I am as pathetic to have a 20k game done and can not present it because I have no idea how compile it Ichio believes everyone is a game coder, it seems. Well, a total loss of an entire month
If you’re using ChoiceScript, double-click compile.html, upload the entire ChoiceScript file, then download the compiled game by clicking the hyperlinked word “here.” From there, you select “play in browser” on the itch submissions page, then upload the file.
If you’re using CSIDE, you can just go to “Export” then compile to do the same.
It took me some meddling, but you have until 5pm today, which is plenty of time. You can do it! @poison_mara