As you all may or may not be aware, there has been some ongoing tensions regarding content of works-in-progress and interactions between various members of the community, be they author or reader.
I believe that a lot of this has developed because of a community-wide difficulty to determine what is and isn’t an appropriate way to give feedback on someone’s writing. We’re all very excitable fans of interactive storytelling; hence why we are on this site, so it can be easy to forget that areas like the Work-in-Progress section are meant to be workshops, places where writers can go and learn how to hone their skills and receive feedback on what they are and aren’t doing to properly share their ideas. When we readers interact with a WIP, we have to be aware of that. We have to be prepared to give advice to the writers without being negative. I don’t believe that anyone here is trying to be hurtful when they give their opinion on someone’s writing, but intent doesn’t always match a consequence.
With the dialogue that our authors are having in the previously-mentioned conversation, I think it’s important that their audience and readers have this conversation too. How can we find a balance between sharing our thoughts as readers and sharing our thoughts as advisers? How can we ensure that what we are telling them is constructive and not overly negative?