CoG/HG business model

It sounds like a good idea. A quick google reveals that MoPub is owned by Twitter, who are very keen to increase their (comparatively tiny) share of mobile-ads revenue, so it seems extremely unlikely that this company will go bankrupt (or be closed down, or sold off) anytime soon… It looks as safe a bet as any. Good call - and thanks for keeping us informed. :slight_smile:

@JasonStevenHill I noticed on another thread you mentioned that it was possible for a game submitted as a Hosted Game to be accepted as a Choice of Game. While it’s not happened yet I’m sure there’s a few writers who have their fingers crossed and are hoping to be the first one.

Would you accept a game that’s had a public link posted, and undergone an open, not closed, beta-test?

This is all just theoretical curiosity.

@FairyGodfeather an open beta-test wouldn’t factor into that decision.

@Jasonstevanhill Great, glad to hear it. I know some places can refuse to publish things that have been posted publicly on the internet. It’s good to know that’s not the case here.

Just a question. If someone was making a CoG that ended up in the well-over-100k range, would you guys call it bad form to salami-slice the game into multiple chunks? Say, turn Mecha Ace into $40,000 by releasing it in four chunks of 60k instead of one big 250k game?

That would depend for me. Applied to Mecha Ace in particular, I would consider it very bad form, as there is no way I could provide adequate opening and closure to each section if I were to split it into three or four parts. The story I pitched to CoG was designed to be a single, unified story arc (it was also designed to be about 90k words long, but enough about my *personal* failings as a writer…).

If something like this were planned from the beginning though, with each part ending neatly and beginning just as tidily, I would see no reason for it not to work, so long as CoG accepted it.


That would also result in reviews saying it is “Too short”.

For posterity:

I wonder if @jasonstevanhill would be willing to divulge some sales numbers?

This is also really cool; it looks like a ton of us are in the top #155 on the Android role playing charts.

Heroes Rise: HeroFall - #7
Life of a Mobster - #17
Mecha Ace - #24
Heroes Rise: The Prodigy - #30
Heroes Rise: The Hero Project - #31
Life of a Wizard - #49
Choice of the Vampire: The Fall of Memphis - #54
Choice of the Star Captain - 93
Tin Star - #104
Choice of Zombies - #105
Choice of the Ninja - #106
Sabres of Infinity - #108
Trial of the Demon Hunter - #109
Apex Patrol - #112
Showdown at Willow Creek - #116
Treasure Seekers of Lady Luck - #117
The ORPHEUS Ruse - #118
Planetary Quarantine - #119
Eerie Estate Agent - #126
The Fleet - #135
Murder In Berlin - #143
To the City of the Clouds - #155

For posterity:

I’m really enjoying the sleek new interface!

Ok this is not really a “business choice” question, if not in a very large acceptation of it, but do you plan to add paypal as a payment option for the Choice site?

Also, for a more standard input, i would be perfectly willing to pay double the current price of Choice games for longer gameplays (as Zombie Exodus does). Though i understand that it would be difficult, so maybe two projects each year could be much longer (and charged) than others?

Anyway, i discovered the Choice (including Hosted) games a month ago (with the Hero Rise trilogy on Steam) and i love them!

@jasonstevanhill: Is it clear yet whether HR has done well enough on Steam to bring other games in on its coattails?

I was wondering: have you and the others at CoG thought about putting ads on the website, too? It’d just be a way for the free titles to earn a little extra money from the people who read their copies online.

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@jasonstevanhill Have you guys ever given thought to releasing a single app for CoG that would allow people to buy new releases as in app purchases?

Probably not, because if nothing else, as it stands if one of their games does poorly and gets buried on the app stores, that doesn’t really effect the next one. If they were all in the same app and that app wasn’t popular, well you can see where that would lead…

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Well they could still release them as stand alone apps, I was just thinking of people like myself that buys every Cog upon release. I’ve had to dedicate folder just to my CoG purchases.

Any plans to use iOS 8’s new app bundling feature?

@lucid We’re testing the bundling feature on Heroes Rise right now. The results are not encouraging. But if you want me to bundle your three games, just say the word.

@fantom there are several problems with that. a) one of the key discover mechanisms for us is ranking in the app store. Once we released an omnibus app like that, it would never rank in the app store again. Secondly, the unlocking mechanism means that the app would have to contain every game, meaning updating would be a pain for people who don’t have an awesome wifi connection, and the app itself would grow to take up a lot of memory on the phone. There was a third reason I thought of yesterday, but it escapes me now.