ChoiceScriptDev Wikia

I look forward to this as well @CJW as the save sytem I am using does not really work well with the system I am building.

@CJW A save system would be a god send, as testing a game can get pretty tedious when you have to restart every time! I know there are work arounds, but I’ll look forward to anything you can come up with!

Don’t get your hopes up too high, I mean I’ll give it a good shot but making a save system isn’t as easy as you’d think, I’ll certainly give it a try, just don’t expect a miracle!

Lol @CJW don’t you know you alread are in my books regardless if you find a solution or not. :wink:

@Lordirish - Eh, nope. Not looking good. Sorry :confused:
On the other hand, I just finished the basic *setref details on the ref commands wiki page:

It’s also got a rather chunky and practical example I cooked up, although it isn’t documented it should help demonstrate where using *setref might be useful.

@CJW that’s alright may have to do the long password for now. But thank you for looking into it.

Added the first of what will hopefully be many (from different contributors) “systems” to the wiki, it’s basically code that could be useful to a number of people and is written so as to be easy to add and edit to suit your needs.

It’s a system that allows you to define mini-scenes within a scene file which are randomly delivered to the player a preset (and configurable) number of times. Kudos to @Vendetta for the idea! I foresee it being rather useful :slight_smile:

Demo is here (Not a permanent link/And it needs fleshing out with actual content):

Details/Explanation is on the wiki:

@CJW Don’t worry, I didn’t think for a minute it’d be an easy thing to do. If it was, someone might have done it already!

The mini scene example looks fantastic, I think there’s certainly a few things I could use it for. I think the ‘systems’ idea is a good one too, not dissimilar to the extensions you see in Inform - it saves people from having to spend too much time on coding and lets them spend more time on actually ‘writing’.

It’s nice to see the wiki is being added to all the time, kudos to everyone involved.

@Bawpie - As long as it makes one person happy, it’s all worthwhile :slight_smile:
Thanks for the support pal!

Latest Wiki Additions

Notepad++ Syntax Highlighter: Provides a download link and installation instructions for this useful ChoiceScript development tool by @CJW.

Basic Scene Scripting: Offers beginners struggling with ChoiceScript a helping hand in getting to grips with the system and devising their first scene, with a more detailed approach than usual and including useful things to bear in mind as you go.

Basic Scripting Techniques: Also aimed at relative beginners, this article covers a range of different tips and useful scripting techniques to consider adopting, derived from experience, to help you develop an effective and methodical approach to scripting and alpha-testing your game.

The Wiki Tutorial is now also more or less complete. Starting with “A Basic Tutorial”, this is a series of 14 linked articles (each has a “Next Tutorial Article” link at the bottom) intended to help guide a “serious” beginner to ChoiceScript through the various basic concepts of ChoiceScript Game Development, providing a thorough and detailed introduction.

All the articles included in the Wiki Tutorial are also available to view as individual pages under the Main Articles section of the Wiki Index, as each covers a particular topic.

Wiki Main Page:

New Wiki Addition:

The *show_password command explained: How to use it, and what it does.

Wiki Main Page:

Notepad++ Syntax Highlighter is an extremely useful tool.

I’m using it right now, so I agree, @JimD.

@JimD @AlexCosarca I’m just surprised it took this long for someone to post/make one here… Seems a fairly obvious thing to have, glad it’s proving useful :slight_smile:


We are pleased to welcome @ScarletGeisha to the Wiki Admin Team.

Main Link:

New Wiki Section: Works in Progress

The ChoiceScriptDev Wiki Admin would like to invite fellow authors to each add a page for their game to the Wiki’s new “Works in Progress” section. In time we expect this “ChoiceScript WIP Games Hub” to become a focal point for players and playtesters, being then an ideal way to easily check out all the games, find the latest demo links and related stuff, and perhaps even glimpse into the minds of some of the authors and discover their aims and motivations.

Step 1: Create a Wiki User ID for yourself if you don’t already have one:

Step 2: Check out some existing WIPs pages:

Step 3: Click the “Contribute” menu top-right and select “Add a Page”. Give that page the exact same name as your game, spaces included. The new page editor will then load.

Add the essential basic requirements, as follows:

  • Your Game Title
  • Playthru Time: (e.g. 20+ mins)
  • Genre:
  • Rating: (e.g. ‘E’ Suitable for age 10+, ‘T’ 13+, ‘M’ 17+, ‘A’ 18+)
  • Demo Link: (actual link to play / view concept material)
  • Game Description: Tell readers what your game is all about

Optional Additional Info:

  • Author: (name)
  • About the Author: Tell readers a bit about you
  • Designer’s Notes: What are your aims and motivations?
  • Game Discussion Thread: (direct forum link)
  • Other Related Links: (e.g. Website, Facebook, Twitter, Reviews, etc.)
  • Game Artwork and / or screenshots
  • Anything else worth including of possible interest to readers

Step 4: “Publish” (save) the page, using the button over on the right.

Step 5: Post in this thread that your page (name) is complete. It will be verified by an Admin member and added to the “Works in Progress” section of the Wiki. You will be able to edit your game page to update the info there as often as you like.

We hope you’ll take a little time to help us grow the Wiki’s “WIP Games Hub” into a useful service for the community as a whole, both authors and players alike.

Please don’t hesitate to post here if you have any questions.

I might have missed this, but is there going to be a page describing the autotest/random test functions on the wiki? I know there’s already quite a detailed page here:

But I think it’s something that should be included in the wiki, given how useful it is. I think I also initially had problems setting it up which I think others have run into which is discussed here:

Some additional tips would be the | more command which can be used like this:

autotest startup | more - this pauses cmd screen if there are a lot of lines, using space allows you to continue. I’ve just used this to solve an uncovered lines issue (couldn’t see where the problem began).

Can I again thank all those involved, the wiki is really proving quite invaluable to me seeing as I have a memory like a sieve (and keep forgetting silly little things).

@bawpie - Believe it or not, I’ve actually yet to find myself in need of the autotest/random functions, their existence completely slipped my mind… I’m positive one of the other admins with experience in their usage will be more than happy to discuss it though! A very good suggestion, thank you! :slight_smile:

@CJW - Wow, I could not do anything without them! It’s autotest I use primarily (I only realised randomtest existed today!). I suppose everyone works differently, but if I go too long without running autotest I end up with hundreds of uncovered lines (i.e. code you can’t reach) because I’ve forgotten to put a goto somewhere!

@Vendetta - I’ve added my WIP to the hub. :slight_smile:

@bawpie I tend to code methodically and test in-browser as I go, so if something’s up, I tend to notice it right away. Still, I should probably double-check with the automated tests, it certainly wouldn’t hurt at any rate :slight_smile: