ChoiceScript on iPad with syncing and syntax highlighting

As a weekend project, I got myself set up to work on my game on iPad. Since I wanted to sync seamlessly between iPad, PC and Mac, and also have the syntax highlighting I’ve gotten used to in Notepad++ and TextWrangler, it wound up being a bigger project than I expected. But it works now, and I want to share it with anyone else who might want the same things.

All credit to aetheria for the original syntax definitions and to my husband for his help converting that into a Textastic-compatible bundle.

The basic rundown is this: Get Textastic on iPad, and get iCloud drive on your other systems. Grab my tmbundle here. Load it into Textastic, sync your game files with iCloud, and you’re golden.

But since that’s not nearly enough information if you don’t already know the apps in question, I’ve written up full instructions with a few screenshots on my blog.


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Since I’m a new user I couldn’t link this in my original post, so here’s the thread where I found aetheria’s definitions.

Thanks, NissaCam!

I too have an iPad and this method is certainly a must have for those without a PC or Mac. :+1: