You can make a choice game with very, very limited knowledge of choicescript.
There’s a couple of ways to do this. One is to use Chronicler.
Two is just do a really, really simple game. You don’t need to worry about stats or anything else. All you need are a couple of commands, and to know about indentation.
I’m going to use my Santa Claus game as an example. You can play it here and the code’s here. There’s absolutely no reason you can’t make something similar during the jam.
Your plan to capture Santa was cunning!
#Sleeping pills in his cookies
#A net at the bottom of your chimney.
#Extra strong Christmas Spirits!
#Just going to wait and see.
It works! Santa falls for your trap and now you have him.
"Ho, ho ho! Free at last! Didn't you think there was a reason no one should ever see Santa? You've been a very naughty boy and now you're going to pay."
#"I'm a girl!"
#"What do you mean?"
#"I'm not naughty!"
#"Now you'll pay for your crimes, Santa!"
This uses just one command. *fake_choice All you need to know is that *fake_choice tells the game it’s time to make a choice, and that # tells the game that this is one of the choices to be made.
And there you have it, a very, very simple game.
Now, if you want to be a little more complicated , and have your choices have an immediate impact and lead to different paths you can add in the *goto and *label commands. But you don’t really need to worry about anything else.
Anyway what I’m trying to say is don’t let an inability to code prevent you from entering. You don’t need to code anything complicated. You don’t need to write anything complex either. You just need to have fun!